Forum Discussion

Julie-G's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 months ago

Multi Currency - variance in Trade Creditors & Trade Debtors


We use MYOB Multi Currency - Online AccountRight Premier V2023.10.0.   


Our Trade Debtors and Trade Creditors Reconciliations reports are showing Out of Balance Amounts that relate to USD denominated transactions from several years ago.  It appears to be some sort of exchange variance that MYOB has recorded behind the scenes in 2018-2019 when we upgraded to MYOB Accountright V2019-2.  We thought these may clear when we moved our file off our Server to an Online Version in 2022 but they are still there.


The value of the transaction varies from +/- $0.01 through to $49.84 and we can compile a list of these that make up the difference showing on the report.    We just want to clear these out of the reconciliation reports so our records are clean and accurate an show we balance.   However,  as the outstanding amounts do not show up within the card files themselves, we cannot see how we can fix this.


How do we do resolve this?


Thank you


  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Julie-G 

    The most reliable report for this is using the reconcilation reports from the desk based version of MYOB - rather than the web base version. I have found that the web based version never balances.

    • Julie-G's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thanks Jennie.   Our difference in the reports has been consistent now for a long time - I am thinking MYOB may need to go in behind the scenes and fix the particular entries causing us grief.


      • Genreve_S's avatar
        MYOB Moderator

        Hi Julie-G


        Thank you for posting your concern in the forum. We appreciate your effort in sending this information so far. 


        I'm sorry to hear about your Trade Creditors and Trade Debtors report not balancing. May I know if you checked the reports via the desktop version as jenniek has suggested? If running these reports in the desktop version still produces the values with variance, please send us relevant screenshots and we'll help as best we can to find what's causing this. 


        We look forward to your update. 


        If you require any other assistance, feel free to post again in the forum. 

