Forum Discussion

Sally001's avatar
4 years ago

Client Logo not printing on Advisory Report

Ive uploaded my clients Logo in the client settings and it appears on screen in an Advisory Report. Then when exporting to print, its not on there?? 

I tested the client settings with my own logo, same thing happened!! The cover page is blank where the clients logo should be?


When can this be fixed please??

  • No the image was fine. I ended up ringing support and someone helped me.  I think it was because I already ran the report before adding the logo image.


    For a New client - the trick is to have the image already uploaded before  running the reports. :)

  • Good morning Sally001 ,


    I have tested this myself and was unable to replicate the issue on my end.  Double check that the image(s) you have uploaded are in a supported image format(.jfif .pjpeg .jpeg .jpg .pjp .png) and the image size itself doesn't exceed the allowable limit of 1MB for either the client or practice logo.


    If this is still occuring at your end please feel free to reply here and I will be in touch.

    • Sally001's avatar

      No the image was fine. I ended up ringing support and someone helped me.  I think it was because I already ran the report before adding the logo image.


      For a New client - the trick is to have the image already uploaded before  running the reports. :)

      • Sally001's avatar

        Im using the Advisory Dashboard. Ive uploaded the clients Logo under Client settings which looks good on screen for the report but when I export to print,  the Logo falls off the page and its blank?


        How can this be fixed?