Forum Discussion

HonestPlatter's avatar
7 years ago

Adding GST to an Invoice - What am I Missing?

Hey everyone.


This should be a simple one, but for some reason it isn't.


I've just registered my business for GST. Added the information to MYOB, but I can't get the GST to add on to my invoices. It simply says it is inclusive of the price. Whereas I want it to show in the GST section...


Please help, what simple step am I missing here?

  • Thanks so much Hayden,


    I actually realised that 'GST Inclusive' was ticked on my iPad and therefore it was thinking GST was already included in my pricing structure.


    Thank you for reaching out though!! 

  • Haydes's avatar
    MYOB Product Team

    Hi HonestPlatter


    Could you please clarify which software you are using? Such as AccountRight or Essentials?


    As a small note, the Tax Sections should populate with some information depending on what GST Codes are assigned to the Invoice Lines. For example:


    On this, as I have S15 assigned to the Line that will calculate the 15% GST and I can see the tax amount show in the Tax field above the Total Amount.


    This is also how it works in Essentials. Could you let us know what GST Codes are assigned to your Invoice Lines? If they are NTR, N-T or Z these are 0% tax and so no Tax will show up on these. 

    • Thanks so much Hayden,


      I actually realised that 'GST Inclusive' was ticked on my iPad and therefore it was thinking GST was already included in my pricing structure.


      Thank you for reaching out though!! 

      • DuncanS's avatar
        Ultimate Partner

        HonestPlatter Haydes


        Someone registering for GST should take a quick review of their MYOB file.


        Things to check include -


           Accounts List   Changing relevant Accounts from N-T to GST.

           Cards            Changing the Card File in Selling/Buying details.


        Changing from Invoice to Tax Invoice.

        Tax Invoice is issued by an Entity registered for GST.

        The ATO has a pro forma Tax Invoice showing all the requirements.


        A Tax Invoice shows the GST amount or has the wording Amount due including GST.

