Forum Discussion

RayJordan's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Autobuild Items



We use autobuild a lot to create products from components (items). When I look at the autobuild report, the items are not in the order in which I entered them.


What's up with that?


I take great care to enter items in a particular order, so that it will make checking off from the list easier as we are physically building the items in production. But AccountRight just re-orders the items, seemingly randomly. They are not re-ordered in item number order. They are not re-ordered in item name alpha-numeric order. I have no idea and I'm tired of it.


The only way I have been able to get the item autobuild report for a particular item to remain in the order I enter individual items is to enter one item line, close the item card, reopen the item card, enter the next item line, close the item card, open the item card, etc until I have entered 50 or whatever lines.


Why do I have to do that? 

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi RayJordan

    Thank you so much for your post and sorry that no one has responded to your post yet. 

    Building items is the process of making a finished item by transferring quantities and values from the component items (such as raw materials) to the finished item.

    For example, you could build an item of furniture (the finished item) by transferring the required quantities and value of timber and fabric (component items) to that furniture item.

    You can build items in two ways:

    • manually, for a one-off build.
    • automatically, for an item you build repeatedly. See Auto-building items.

    Before you can build a finished item, you need to have created an item record for each component and the finished item. See Creating items.

    Here's a help article that has detailed information about: Reordering items


    • RayJordan's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Earl_HD ,


      Thank you for your reply, however it does not address my actual question.


      I am asking about the order in which the items appear in the Auto-Build report. The details are contained in my original post.


      You may need to ask the programmers about this.


  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi RayJordan,

    My apologies for the misunderstanding and thanks for confirming. Once you've displayed the report for the auto build report you can navigate to FILTER (sort), select add sort level then add the Item No. then select add sort level again to add the Item Name. Select OK then check the report if the Item No. And the Item Name aligns accordingly.

    Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 

    • RayJordan's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Thank you Earl,


      Sorting the items by either Item Number or Item Name is not what I'm looking for.


      I want the items to appear in the order in which I originally enter them. I want my items in the auto-build list to be grouped the way I want them. That is why I enter them in a specific order. AccountRight ignores that order... unless, from the beginning, I enter the first item and close the card. I open the card and enter the second item and then close the card. I reopen the card and enter the third item and close the card. .. etc, you get the idea.


      And there is no function where I can export the autobuild list for each finished product into Excel, re-order it and import back into AccountRight.