Forum Discussion

joy66's avatar
3 years ago

Bulk Deleting of Jobs

We have thousands of old 'jobs' that are making setting up new jobs painfully slow.  The only option I've seen to bulk delete involves exporting the jobs file after creating a 'delete' job header, th...
  • Mike_James's avatar
    3 years ago

    Hi virgo66 , do as follows:

    - take a back up of your MYOB file before you start, in case of errors


    - export all your jobs (only the Job number, job name, job header fields and any other fields to help you identify them)

    - open the text file in Excel

    - Delete the jobs you don't want to delete - very important

    - Open a new worksheet


    (Repeat from here)

    -  clear the contents of the second worksheet 2nd time around and onwards

    - cut and paste 50 rows of imported jobs onto the second worksheet, with the header row copied.

    - Add the dummy header job name to the appropriate column

    - Save the Excel file

    - Save the worksheet with 50 jobs as a text file

    - Import them to MYOB, choose to update existing jobs, then match the job number and header job fields only

    - If successful, delete the dummy header job, which should delete all 50 jobs too


    - Repeat from marked point until all the jobs are done


    If 50 jobs is too many, reduce to (say) 20, then increase by 10 each time if you wish.


    Hope this helps.