Forum Discussion

D9's avatar
Experienced Cover User
5 years ago

Error - Job No. & Sub-Job of Values cannot be the same


We are currently integration MYOB with a project management software product and as such need to make Header and Detail Jobs now, which has not been necessary in the past.


I inherited the MYOB set up so all the business projects were set up in Jobs, but just as a Detail Job.


I have been able to create Header Jobs and move the existing Detail Jobs under those for all but 2 projects.


Everytime I try to create the Header Job and/or move the existing Detail Job the following error message is received.


Job No. & Sub-Job of Values cannot be the same


I have tried various combinations of naming, however nothing works.  I'd appreciate some understanding of what the error message means and how I might be able to fix for these 2 projects.  Nothing different in the projects than the other ones I successfully amended.


Thanks in advance. Lyndell

  • Hi BogicJB 


    We will have to look into this in-depth as the error messages keep on changing. So we can organize this, can you please send me your serial number by a Private Message


    Update: Issue fixed by sending the file in for repair.

  • Hi D9 


    This error message generally occurs if the Job Number and Sub Job of fields have same job number in the Job information window as shown:



    Therefore, can you please attach a screenshot of your Jobs List screen and  Job information window for the header job so we can figure out what's wrong. You are also welcome to send these screenshots by a Private Message if they contain any sensitive information.

    • BogicJB's avatar
      Experienced Cover User


      I am having the same problem.

      2649 is the header job, which I am unable to fix as it comes up with that error.

      2649:1 is the sub job.

      I can't fix or change anything as it gives that same error.

      I also want to bring another sub job of 2649, which is 2649:2, which I am unable to.

      The job number and sub-job Of values cannot be the same


      Any help is appreciated


      • Komal_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi BogicJB 

        If you try changing the job number 2649:1 to something else for testing purposes, is it then working? This is because it might be conflicting with job number 2649 which is the parent job. If you're getting any error message while trying to change the job number, let us know the exact error message so we can investigate further.