Forum Discussion

WendyH's avatar
Trusted Partner
3 years ago

Error - ValidationException and "an unbalanced transaction cannot be recorded"

This is one of the links in which this issue was discussed in 2016.

We have this problem now with a client using AR Plus AU 2022.4.0

This error message comes up when trying to save a recurring order or invoice. Discount column is not used, there are no duplicate items and all lines are transaction lines. There are, however, 3 decimal places in the item cost which has not been a problem before.


When trying to convert this order to an invoice the error message is: "an unbalanced transaction cannot be recorded." Client is unable to issue an invoice for this order of many items and unable to save a recurring transaction. Client did cancel order and re-enter, with the same issue. Needs to issue this invoice tomorrow. Your assistance would be appreciated.


  • WendyH's avatar
    Trusted Partner

    Looking for a response please for this problem.


    Kind thanks.

  • Hello WendyH 


    In regards to an unbalanced transaction cannot be recorded This issue is caused by 3 decimal places in the line item causing the transaction to be unbalanced. You will need to click in the field and manually type the amounts. This should bypass the issue and allow you to send the invoice without error.

    As you mention it's a validation error when saving recurring transactions you can also follow this Help Article on ValidationException error.

    please let me know how this goes.


    Please let me know how this goes.