Forum Discussion

BernaP's avatar
2 years ago

Invoices not recording properly - inventory incorrect

On random invoices, we have an issue with - when the invoice records, it doesn't take any of the items out of inventory. So it leaves our stock level wrong. If we can identify which invoice(s) this happens to, it was suggested we make a subtle change to the invoice (e.g. full stop somewhere) and re-record the invoice. This corrects the error. However, this is very frustrating, because you only find out there has been an error when a particular item is obviously incorrect in MYOB compared with the actual SOH. On other occasions, you don't pick it up until there is no physical stock but MYOB says we still have some. Any advice would be appreciated.


Thank you

  • Mike_James's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi BernaP , this sounds very similar to the experience of a client of mine, affecting hundreds of invoices each month. We overcame it by providing them with a script that does via the API what you are doing manually.


    I'm surprised that re-posting manually still fixes the problem; I thought a recent program change would prevent it. What version of Accountright are you using?


    Do you have any idea when this started in your file.


    Some indications you may see:


    The Sales Item detail report customised with gross profit $ and % fields added will show you the affected invoice lines, which will incorrectly show 100% margin.


    The inventory valuation report will show stock greater than the asset account, and growing.


    And affected invoices will show the line revenue amount in the item register, not the item cost.


    If you would like further help please email me.