OSKO deposits not showing payer reference in bank feeds
Is anyone else having the problem of OSKO DEPOSITS not downloading the payer reference to bank fees?
I have to log onto internet banking to see who paid the OSKO DEPOSITS.
I have complained to the bank and they say it is an OSKO problem.
can MYOB solve this problem with OSKO?????? .
There is no point having bank fees if we have to log onto the net bank anyway.
Hi Lora
Generally, you want to work up the chain, i.e. the bank feed description is not showing what you would expect thus the financial institution would be the next port of call. If they do indicate that the description if directly from a provider you would be looking at contacting that provider directly.
So in your situation, I would recommend speaking with your Bank as your next port of call as the feed information comes directly from them. If they do indicate that you should consult that provider that would be the next step. From the OSKO website, it does indicate that you should talk to your bank with respect to if you have any questions. I do note that "OSKO is brought to you by BPay" so you may want to consult them directly to see if they can offer further assistance with your enquiry.