Forum Discussion

Jayvee's avatar
Contributing Cover User
3 years ago

ATO payg summaries not showing

Hi, I'm having the same issues that others are having. None of the payg summaries are showing on ATO portal. They were showing prior to when I decided to go to STP Phase 2, although one of the employees payg summary was incorrect while still on phase 1.

I had previously checked every report I could possibly check but was unable to find the employee's error but think it was due to a deleted LSL payment. I decided to upgrade to phase 2 as it was supposed to have more reports available and thought I could find the error that way, but it was a disastrous move!

I have done as myob advised and taken out all termination dates in myob (not on ATO portal where they still show) and unchecked the cards  "inactive' status but there's no charnge on the ATO portal.

Can Myob please advise when they will be doing a fix on this problem please as I know I'll be having to deal with a lot of cross employees soon?!

  • Hi Jayvee 


    For the terminated employees, if you have removed their terminations in the Payroll reporting centre>>Employee terminations tab then entered the termination reason and notified the ATO, process a $0 pay with payment date as 30 June to update STP.


    For the employee that was incorrect on Phase 1, try processing a $0 pay with payment date as 30 June. You mentioned that a LSL pay had been deleted, for this to be updated in STP a report needs to be sent so a $0 pay may push that update through. Also check the Summary of payments report, does this include the LSL payment? This report is sent to the ATO when you finalise so you need to make sure it shows the correct amounts.


    If your terminated employees had ETP payments this post, ETP finalistions, has detailed information on a known issue that may affect you.


    Let me know how you go.

  • Jayvee's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Hi, has anyone had any luck solving their EOFY finalisations with ATO? I upgraded and have had terminated employees during the year. My figures match in Payroll Register and Payroll Summary and all appears correct from my end but ATO  reports are all over the place! I thought Myob would've fixed this in Accountright 2022.6 upgrade but nope!

    Where is the communication Myob???????

  • Jayvee's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Hi Tracey, Sending $0 dated 30/6/22 to ATO doesn't work. I received an error msg saying the date has to be in the same FY. Also had to delete all teermination dates with ATO as kept receiving error msg requesting reason for termination. So I re entered all those dates again with ATO and reasons for terminartions. Now EOFY figures worse than before! Showing $0 for most but showing only PAYG figure for some. I have spent HOURS on this and have tried everything. There is nothing further I can think of to try. All of my figures from register and Activity summaries all balance correctly. This MUST be a Myob software issue so why is it not being fixed????? I am getting calls from irate terminated employees.

    Also a LSL payment not showing on one of employees PAYG Summary yet it shows as being sent ATO.

    I'd appreciate a reply to this post.

    • Tracey_H's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi Jayvee 


      For the terminated employees, if you have removed their terminations in the Payroll reporting centre>>Employee terminations tab then entered the termination reason and notified the ATO, process a $0 pay with payment date as 30 June to update STP.


      For the employee that was incorrect on Phase 1, try processing a $0 pay with payment date as 30 June. You mentioned that a LSL pay had been deleted, for this to be updated in STP a report needs to be sent so a $0 pay may push that update through. Also check the Summary of payments report, does this include the LSL payment? This report is sent to the ATO when you finalise so you need to make sure it shows the correct amounts.


      If your terminated employees had ETP payments this post, ETP finalistions, has detailed information on a known issue that may affect you.


      Let me know how you go.

  • Jayvee's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Problem now solved. When sending $0 pay run, both the dates of payweek and date of payment have to be 30/6/22. Also worth noting is that the ATO's ytd gross wages figure doesn't include bonuses or commissions but if they're on the payg summaries then just check that they total your gross wages figure on myob payroll summary and register. 😊