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VikkiSpicer's avatar
5 years ago

Entitlements error

Hi when processing my pays today and using the entitements (RDO or Annual leave) it comes up with an error message saying there is a zero balance and it will pt the emoloyee into a negative balance, but in the employees card there is a YTD balance?  I feel like this has happened before and I was told to ignore the message and continue on with the pays.


Anyone else have this issue?

  • Hi Everyone 

    When processing your first pays in the new payroll year in AccountRight 2020.2 and you are encountering a warning message indicating that it will go into a negative situation, we do recommend checking out Leave entitlement warning message when processing pays in AccountRight 2020.2 for more information.


    There was also some enquiries on this thread that talks about an entitlement with hours not appearing in on the payslip. For an entitlement to appear on the payslip, the following conditions do need to be meet for that to occur:

    • Setup>>Prefereences>>Reports & Forms >> Include all YTD amounts and Entitlement Balances on Paycheque stubs needs to be enabled
    • The entitlement will need to be used on a payroll transaction in the current payroll year  (this will include if you have entitlement has values used from the previous payroll year).

    Commonly it the last one that does trip clients up at this time of year. Should you be that situation and you want the value to appear but the employee is not going to accrue a value in the distant future (Time Off In Lieu is common) you want to process a pay for that employee getting them to accrue 1 hour. Once recording that pay, reverse that pay to reduce that 1. This will added a positive and a negative to the entitlement so it will not impact the available hours but will add in the history for the current payroll year.

  • Anita_MO's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I have the same issue. MYOB is using the entitlement balance accrued each pay instead of what has accrued over time. I have written down what the balances should be manually and if it does not add it correctly to the actual accrued amount I will adjust it manually in the employees card in the entitlement balance and log what I did.

  • Anita_MO's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I just processed the pays ignoring the entitlement errors and then checked the employees balance and the entitlements balance is being calculated correctly. 

    • Hi There,


      I''ve processed my first payroll ignoring all the error message and it had gone successfully with the leave entitlements are showing up correctly, except for entitlements that had no transactions on such as: Time Off In Lieu. This entitlement has not appeared on the payslip which should be carried forward to this year.


      Can anyone assist me on this please?



      • DotAllen1's avatar
        Experienced User

        I also ignored the message and processed anyway.  The entitlement balance detail report shows most leave balances are correct, but a few time in lieu have not carried forward on the report - the balances shown on card however are correct.

    • User25's avatar
      Experienced User

      The pays have been recorded but still the Annual leave accrual shows 0 towards carry over balance from last financial year. Upon further checking I could see the option for under entitlements  "Carry Remaining Entitlement Over to Next Year has been disabled. How is this going to get fixed by itself. This has completely screwed us!

      • Anita_MO's avatar
        Experienced Cover User


        I didn't set up MYOB for my current employer and it to has: Carry Remaining Entitlement Over to Next Year disabled. 

        I then checked Reports>Payroll>Entitlements>Balance Detail and it does carry over the entitlements. If you do need to make an adjustment as I did for an employee who went from full-time to part time there is a balance adjustment spot in the card file for the employee entitlements. Hope that eases your worries.

    • GLAccounts's avatar
      Experienced User

      Only my sick leave has rolled over, not my annual leave.  I have done two pay runs since the end of financial year.  Can you help?

      • Anita_MO's avatar
        Experienced Cover User


        First of all can you check List-Payroll Category List-Entitlements and see if your annual leave accrual Payroll Year End has been ticked. If this has not been ticked the next step is to create a new entitlement category for Annual Leave with the Correct Carry Over details. (I have attached an image). You need to record each employees annual leave entitlement accrual figures somewhere such as on a excel spreadsheet and once you have created the new correct annual leave entitlement enter the carried forward accrual for each employer in their card information in the balance adjustment column. With the incorrect annual leave entitlement set-up I would put a zz in front of it to show it's incorrect as I am sure you can't delete it. 

        Hopefully this is helpful.