Forum Discussion

gilligan's avatar
5 years ago

MYOB Team Unable to submit timesheet

We have a team member trialling MYOB Team prior to rolling out to all staff. On attempting to submit the first timesheet the following message has appeared- "Sorry we are unable to submit your timesheet. Please try again later or contact your manager" There seem to be a few comments of this nature on the Community. Is this a major glitch?

  • Thanks Komal- all was set up correctly and a previous sheet had been submitted with no issue. We deleted the problem sheet and re-entered it, and were then able to submit.

  • Hi gilligan


    Thank you for your post. Can you please get the team member to close the app, re open it and attempt to submit the time sheet. Does it submit ?


    Please do let me know how you go. 

    • Hi Melisa,


      Thank you for your reply. Our team member turned phone/app off/on. No joy.


      • Komal_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi gilligan 


        The first thing to check would be if your employee is set up correctly to be able to submit timesheets. In order to do so: 


        1. Go to the Setup menu and choose Preferences. The Preferences window appears.
        2. In the System tab, select the I Use Timesheets for [...] and My Week Starts on [...] preference.
        3. If you want to use timesheets to record:
          • activity slips as well as payroll information, select Time Billing and Payroll from the I Use Timesheets for [...] list.
          • payroll information only, select Payroll from the I Use Timesheets for [...] list.

        Please also check if the employees are hourly or salary as timesheets can be submitted for hourly employees only.  Secondly, go through Getting started with MYOB Team help article and ensure every step has been followed. The main thing to check would be if employees are added correctly under their managers.  


        If nothing helps, delete the location and re-enter it again in the Locations tab as that has happened to resolve the issue for some users.

        Let us know how you go on.