Forum Discussion

JackieW's avatar
Trusted Cover User
5 years ago

Pay Advice emails not being received

I emailed Payoll Advices to three employees two weeks ago and again yesterday and they have not been recieved.

A short time later I also emailed about 7 remittance advices.  I rang several Suppliers today and checked that they had received the emails and they all had.

When you check in sent emails all emails have a green tick and are not bouncing back.

Obviously there isn't a problem in the actual sending of emails it just appears to be an issue within Payroll.   Our 3 employees are long term employees and up until the last fortnight have always received their emails. 

It seems to have occurred about the time I downloaded 2020.2.2



  • Jesh_D's avatar
    Former Staff

    Hi JackieW 


    Thank you for your post. 


    Are you able to confirm for me what the @address of the emails not receiving the email are (i.e., 


    There are a large number of reasons why an email would not be received at the recipient's end from an environmental factor to having the sender's email address possibly marked as junk/spam. We have seen other uses recently have this issue with some accounts, whereby the email they are trying to send is suddenly being sent to the junk folder at the recipients ends. I do recommend checking with each recipient to see if the sent  email is in the junk folder, and if it is, they will need to whitelist/add the email address to their safe sender's list


    Please let me know how you get on, and if you have any further questions.

    • JackieW's avatar
      Trusted Cover User


      The email address for each employee is

      The employees have checked their junk email folder and there is nothing in there from my clients email address.

      As I said previously they have been receiving their payroll advices previously at the same email  addresses (all long term employees) without any problems.



      • Jesh_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi JackieW 


        Thank you for your response and checking with your employees to see if the emails were sitting in their junk folder. We don't have current reports of any issues with clients emailing from AccountRight to BigPond accounts, however there could still be other environmental issues causing your emails to not be received.  

        Could you please also request with recipients using BigPond accounts to check their email settings to see if BigPond has set any exclusions to ignore MYOB emails. Also, ensure those recipients check that your AccountRight email is in their approved senders list. 


        Let me know how you go and if you require further assistance.