Forum Discussion

ntoumba's avatar
Experienced Cover User
3 years ago

Payrolll Bank Statement Text - Employees



I am wanting to enter some text and have the date in the BANK STATEMENT TEXT for employee payroll. 


At the moment if I leave the BANK STATEMENT TEXT blank in the employee card it shows on employee bank statements as  - PAY FOR MM/DD/YYY - with the date automatically generated.


I would like to update this to include  - COMPANY PAY FOR DD/MM/YYYY


Can you tell me how to add a COMPANY name as a prefix to the date?


Also how can I update this to show the correct date format?

have confrimed my PC system is set to the correct time and date regional format for Australia.



  • Hi ntoumba 


    Thanks for your post. As far as I am aware you can't add a COMPANY name as a prefix to the date. We are aware when not clicking into pay (Pay Employee) window when processing will generate an American date format for the statement text. This is something we are aware of and is being investigated. In the meantime, a quick workaround would be to click into the pay when processing so the Pay Employee appears before closing out (don't have to make changes) will generate the correct statement text.

    • ntoumba's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Yanike_S 


      Thanks for your reply. 


      Maybe the prefix to the date could be looked at being added when the rectify the date issue?




      • Yanike_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi ntoumba 


        Thanks for your suggestion. I have passed your feedback on to the team. 

      • Yanike_S's avatar
        MYOB Staff

        Hi TheGardener 


        This is currently not something we are actively investigating, so I don't have a timeframe for this. That being said, I have passed your additional feedback on to the developers.