Forum Discussion

Trade's avatar
6 years ago


Hi All


Please help!!!!


We are trying to do our end of payroll year and our EOFY Finalisation figures are totally different to our Gross Payment and PAYG Withholding figures according to our MYOB Reports ( Payroll Register Sumary & Payroll Activity Summary) and of course our MYOB reports are correct!!


Not sure how the figures are being changed between leaving MYOB and then reaching the ATO??????  Why is this happening??


How do we edit STP to match our MYOB reports so the information is correct and matches and our employees get the correct information on their "Payment Summaries"??

  • Hi Trade 


    There has been issues with the verification report pulling the correct figures through. Doing a $0 pay for effected employees is the workaround atm, this creates an update event and pushes the correct amounts to the verification report.





  • bungy15's avatar
    Ultimate Cover User

    Hi Trade 


    There has been issues with the verification report pulling the correct figures through. Doing a $0 pay for effected employees is the workaround atm, this creates an update event and pushes the correct amounts to the verification report.





    • Kathy_Southside's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I have the exact same problem as Trade with 2 employees and have tried your fix a number of times now and it is not working.   In summary the Gross payments for 2 employees are incorrect however every other total is correct including the PAYG-W and Super Entitlements for the 2 employees.

      Can I roll over my payroll if I haven't Finalised my STP.   Instructions say I have until 31 July to finalise however my next pay is imminent.

      • Theresa_D's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Kathy_Southside 


        Just wanted to see how you're going with this.  Have you been able to get your EOFY sorted and rolled over? 


        Let me know how you're going with this. 

    • lauracc's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I'm having this same issue - Validation not matching Payment Summary. All our affected employees were terminated. How do I fix this? Thanks

      • bungy15's avatar
        Ultimate Cover User

        Hi lauracc 


        If those employees were terminated prior to starting STP, remove their termination date from their card, make them active and process $0 pays to update their YTD amounts through STP.


        If they were paid through STP, try to narrow down which payroll categories are causing the errors eg ETP’s, Unused leave. Check that payroll categories are set up correctly.


        Let me know how you go
