Forum Discussion

seqtt's avatar
Trusted Cover User
3 years ago

STP Phase 2 - Onboarding via Tanda

We have integrated Tanda with our MYOB software successfully for nearly two years.

This morning a new employee Onboarded successfully according to Tanda (see attached), but the employee details have not been pushed to MYOB.

The second screenshot shows where new mate's card should be. The highlighted employee was also the last employee to Onboard successfully via Tanda on 17/03/2022.

The only thing that has changed in that time is our transition to STP Phase 2 which was done two days ago.

Would you investigate whether this change is interfering with the push employee details from Tanda to MYOB please, and whether this will impact the transfer of our Pay Run next week?

  • seqtt's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Steven_M I reached out to Tanda and actioned their troubleshooting suggestions. Here is their response...

    • Yanike_S's avatar
      MYOB Staff

      Hi seqtt 


      Thanks for your post. I am sorry to see that no one has answered you yet. Are you still having issues with employees not pushing through to MYOB from Tanda?


      I am not aware of anything similar happening at the moment. I would recommend talking to Tanda to get in contact with our API team. If there is an issue with connecting the software, they will be able to solve this for you directly. 

      • seqtt's avatar
        Trusted Cover User

        In the end I entered the employee into MYOB manually, then manually sync'd Tanda to link the employee's data files. Payroll exported successfully both times in the last two weeks. Will wait to see what happens when we Onboard our next employee.