Forum Discussion

Brendan2021's avatar
Experienced User
4 years ago

team kiosk employee login photos are not viewable. "Something went wrong" error

The team kiosk app seems to take the photo's at employee login, but they have never been viewable on any browser. I see elsewhere this is a common problem but what I don't see is a solution. 
Is there one? 

  • LLSH's avatar
    4 years ago

    Well I am looking at Tanda. I will have to research a few I think as we have so many variables with staff hours. I don't want it to take longer than it already is.

  • LLSH's avatar
    Experienced User

    Seems like MYOB doesn't want us to use Teams. I have spent way too long trying to get the photos to load from the ipad.

    I will be looking at alternate systems as even when an hour spent on the phone with troubleshooting couldn't fix the problem.

    • Brendan2021's avatar
      Experienced User

      I haven't got anywhere with this either. I'm basically lying every day to my staff for months now becasue evertime they make a comment about a logon or logoff photo I have to pretend it's working. 
      This is the reason I left years ago. MYOB just has a "when we get to it, we will get to it" approach. And they act like "oh i've never heard of this problem before" when you only have to jump on the forums to see it's been a problem for a number of people for quite some time. FRUSTRATING

      • LLSH's avatar
        Experienced User

        Well I am looking at Tanda. I will have to research a few I think as we have so many variables with staff hours. I don't want it to take longer than it already is.

  • Brendan2021's avatar
    Experienced User

    i have the same issue with all of my employees. It's never worked for us. 
    Is there a fix for this yet?

    • LLSH's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hello, No still no joy, been well over a month. They are a bit stumped as I have provided all the screenshots etc.

      Very frustrating as it's stopping us from moving to kiosk time keeping.

      • Brendan2021's avatar
        Experienced User

        very frustrating. Team Kiosk and its associated functions is the only reason I moved to MYOB. It's never worked 100%. I regret not sticking with quicken and using a third party app to manage sign on and hour tracking. 

  • Hi Brendan2021


    Thanks for your post. This is something our teams are investigating, so I can pass on your details can you please send me a private message with the following information:

    • Serial number 
    • Email address you use to sign into MYOB Team 
    • File ID of your file (This can be found by going to Help > About MYOB AccountRight)
    • Confirmation of the version of the tablet you are using the app on 
    • Confirmation on what happens when you sign into via different browsers to view the photos, does it work ?