Forum Discussion

TGC1's avatar
Contributing User
5 years ago

Update Release AccountRight 2020.2 Removal of Prepare Payment Summaries


The upcoming release of AccountRight 2020.2 has a major flaw in it. Information on your website says the following:

"And finally, because STP finalisation has replaced the need to prepare payment summaries, we’re removing the Prepare Payment Summaries function from the Payroll command centre."


The Prepare Payment Summaries function MUST remain in the programme. Not all employers are reporting throught the STP system and will not be reporting through that sytem for a number of years yet. Employers who have a WPN and not an ABN cannot use the STP system with the ATO. For this 2020 and 2021 financial years WPN holders will still need to prepare payment summaries and give them to their staff. At this stage the ATO hope the STP system will be available to WPN holders for the 2022 financial year.

Can someone please make sure this function is not removed in the upcoming update.

  • Hi TGC1 


    The Prepare Payment Summaries function will be removed for files that do have Payroll Reporting (STP) enabled. Clients that have not enabled Payroll Reporting will still have access to that Prepare Payment Summaries within AccountRight 2020.2.


    As I do know that this may be of great concern to some users, as such I've added a screenshot showing a pre-release build of 2020.2 showing that option still being available.


  • TGC1's avatar
    Contributing User


    The upcoming release of AccountRight 2020.2 has a major flaw in it. Information on your website says the following:

    "And finally, because STP finalisation has replaced the need to prepare payment summaries, we’re removing the Prepare Payment Summaries function from the Payroll command centre."


    The Prepare Payment Summaries function MUST remain in the programme. Not all employers are reporting throught the STP system and will not be reporting through that sytem for a number of years yet. Employers who have a WPN and not an ABN cannot use the STP system with the ATO. For this 2020 and 2021 financial years WPN holders will still need to prepare payment summaries and give them to their staff. At this stage the ATO hope the STP system will be available to WPN holders for the 2022 financial year.

    Can someone please make sure this function is not removed in the upcoming update.

    • TGC1's avatar
      Contributing User

      I don't undersand how this forum works. I've made a post and now it is showing me my post and asking if I accept this as a solution. Accept what? There hasn't been a reply.

  • Hi TGC1 


    The Prepare Payment Summaries function will be removed for files that do have Payroll Reporting (STP) enabled. Clients that have not enabled Payroll Reporting will still have access to that Prepare Payment Summaries within AccountRight 2020.2.


    As I do know that this may be of great concern to some users, as such I've added a screenshot showing a pre-release build of 2020.2 showing that option still being available.


    • Could you replace the option to raise PAYG Certificates to those that are STP Reporting please?    I have clients working in the trades who still request me to sent PAYG Certs to their staff without them having to use MYGOV

      • Steven_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Everyone

        Thank you for your comments on this topic.

        For clients that have enabled Payroll Reporting would have the Payment Summaries option removed in AccountRight 2020.2. They may not be using that process to report their pays but have enabled the functionality within the company file. 


        For those clients that do need to produce their payments summaries, this can currently be completed in AccountRight 2020.2 through the Command Centre Menu>>Payroll>>Prepare Payment Summary. Note: This will can be produced for the current payroll year. If you have completed your first pays in the new payroll year you would need to restore a backup prior to entering that first pay to produce the necessary payment summaries for last year.



        PLEASE NOTE: The Prepare Payment Summaries option in the Command Centre Menu may be removed in the future.

    • gavin12345's avatar
      Ultimate User

      Hi Steven_M 


      In case users do not find this post, perhaps the release or preview notes could be updated to make this clear.




    • HK01's avatar
      Contributing Cover User

      We didn't move over to STP until September 2019.

      I have former staff members that finished prior to this and I cannot run their payment summaries now as they are not under the STP reporting.


      The Prepare Payment Summaries function needs to be available for everyone, not just those who have not activated it.


      How do I run the payment summary for these former employees? 

      • Neil_M's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi HK01 


        As noted on our help article Processing a final pay, we do recommend preparing the payment summary at the time of termination.


        If you have a backup of the file from before you upgraded to 2020.2, then you could restore it locally into that version and prepare the payment summary. This would allow you to prepare the physical payment summary.


        Alternatively you could remove the termination date on the terminated employee and record a zero dollar pay for that employee. This will allow you to report that employee through STP, so that you can then finalise them through STP. This will allow the employee to access their information through their MyGov account