Forum Discussion

CloudMindAcc's avatar
Ultimate Partner
6 years ago

Your withholding payer number must be in the format 00 XXX XXX XXX

Hey does anyone know what I am doing wrong? Upgraded file from V19 to ARL. Cant set up Payroll Tax or save get this message. Tried 002346722 - 2346722 - 023464722 nothing works? Even tried 1111111111 to see if I could at least save my changes. Tried leaving blank. I can't save my changes anyway I go.


Also will not allow me to add spaces.


  • Solution:


    WPN's format is: 00nnnnnnnnn

    By that it'd be: 00 nnn nnn nnn which is probably why ARL is validating it that way. Pretty sure the same formatting was needed in v19.

    If you copy and paste this: 00 111 111 111 it will work. 

  • CloudMindAcc's avatar
    Ultimate Partner



    WPN's format is: 00nnnnnnnnn

    By that it'd be: 00 nnn nnn nnn which is probably why ARL is validating it that way. Pretty sure the same formatting was needed in v19.

    If you copy and paste this: 00 111 111 111 it will work. 

    • Kangashoovians's avatar
      Contributing User

      Trying to save my setup in AR and can't because of the same error message. AR wants a 10 digit WPN but the ATO has issued me with an 8 digit number. (They call it a Pay as You earn account number and it's the one we have used for years) Are you saying in your post that one should ignore that ATO-issued number and simply paste the number you've typed "00 111 111 111" ? (NB I cannot find a reference to "WPN" on the ATO site!)

      • Gayathri's avatar
        Former Staff

        Hi Kangashoovians,


        Thank you for the post!


        This would mean the WPN cannot be used, I would suggest you contact the ATO to see if you can be issued a WPN# using the same format as mentioned by CloudMindAcc


        The WPN format is an ATO dictated format and we're complying with the formatting they have posted for software developers. This is not something we can overrule.


        Thank you.