scfsh's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Bank Feeds: Ability to add a (internal) note to bank feed transactions

having the ability would benefit in two ways;


1. queries to clients

2.add a note to transaction hidden


"Ability to add a memo to bank feed transactions"

  • Bettah's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi is there any way to add notes to the bank feed about the current transactions as i would like to leave a note on some of my transactions that i have not allocated yet IE no invoice for it yet , can not find the matching transaction , money paid to the wrong account and so on


  • Would like to be able to add a Note to the Bank Feed transaction in AccountRight, same as Essentials.   So that when, for example, the details of who a Cheque was for or where a transfer was sent (when the bank details are missing or incomplete) can be noted on the transaction within Bank Feeds.  This would stop either keeping a record on a spreadsheet (or notepad) to chase up the Client for the Bill/information.

  • I would like to see a facility of adding notes to transactions on the Bank Feeds page. Often I have an unmatched feeds on the page and I am waiting on something from a client or supplier to match or complete the transaction. Ie a copy of an invoice or some direction from the accountant. I would like to add a note to this saying what the issue is. I would also like to then export this page, showing the notes into a PDF to email my client. Saves writing it into an email. I often do a 'screen dump' and add my own notes and email it but that means it's not recorded in MYOB for me. Just a 💭
    • CloudMindAcc's avatar
      Ultimate Partner

      sheponline I could not agree more with your idea.   However I would want to export the page in Excel so the clients can easily type back.

      Or they can have the option of logging into MYOB and commenting back to our query.. wouldn't that be nice and easy.   Or maybe log into an app on their phone and update us on the go.


      It is absolutely painstakingly annoying and frustrating that we have to in 2017 screen dump bank feed to clients or re-type them out for clients to comment (not to mention unprofessional and hugely time consuming).    We are in the online/cloud world we want to make business life easier for the clients and yourselves for that matter so why are we retyping information that is already there or sending unprofessional screen shots.  Needs to be resolved, please fix it asap.

  • CloverQ's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thank you for your suggestion Numero, it would be beneficial to have the ability to enter notes in Bank Feeds. A similar idea has already been suggested, therefore I've merged your idea with it. I would suggest adding your vote to it by clicking on '+Vote' next to the idea title. 


    Kind regards


  • I t would be very efficient if we could leave a message next to a transaction in the live Bank Feed, so the client could assist us to code some entries.

  • CloudMindAcc's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Liam_M this would be great.   I only hide bank feeds as a last resort and it would be good to put notes against the transactions as to why I have hidden them if it was every queried by an Accountant, Client or Auditor.


    It would be great to put a note on all bank feeds in general for instances where there was clarification needed before we post a the transaction as well.

    For example if I was doing bookkeeping for a client and I needed further clarification I could write my query and ask the client to go in and review the unallocated feeds and comment.   i.e. My question to a client could be - "is this purchase from Myers a business related expense"?


    LYW scfsh 

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status added:

    Thank you for clarifying that scfsh. Anyone wanting to add notes to bank feeds before matching or adding a transaction, please cast your vote here.

  • scfsh's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Sorry, I mean before a transaction is recorded, so while it sits in the left side of the bank feeds, before something is recorded it would be fansastic to right hand click on the bank feed transaction (where it comes up with hide transaction) and add a memo, and then maybe once a note has been added a symbol pops up on the bank feed and when you put your mouse on it it displays the memo.

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status removed:

    Thanks for your suggestion scfsh When setting up a rule in bank feeds, if you click more advanced options, you will see the option to setup a memo with the rule. Is this what you are referring to? Or would you like to see the ability to add notes to transactions that haven't yet been matched or had a transaction added?