H-TS's avatar
Trusted User
3 years ago

Employee Self Onboarding: Permanently disable preference

We use a different system for employee onboarding so all v2022.7 has done is to add yet another unnecessary mouse click to my processes. Please allow us to turn this off if we will never use this feature.


If the MYOB solution becomes more customisable then we may look at it in the future but our onboarding process needs a lot more information than what this requests so if we use it, we would need to send multiple requests to the new employee which looks unprofessional. Also, we use custom fields for the emergency contact information so having that default to the notes section means we would need to cut and paste the answers anyway. Might as well cut and paste from elsewhere.

  • Hi MYOB,


    This request was sent in August 2 years ago!

    Not all companies want or need your automatic on boarding feature as it creates a lot MORE work in some instances.

    Please tell us how to turn this OFF as it has become quite frustrating!



  • Hi H-TS and GoldenElm32,


    Thank you for your feedback, and I apologize for the delay in responding back to you.


    I understand that the current employee self-onboarding feature may not fully meet your needs, particularly in terms of customization and the ability to disable the feature if it's not being used. Your request about providing an option to permanently disable or turn off the employee self-onboarding prompt is duly noted. Your feedback is valuable and helps us improve our services. We are constantly working on enhancing our features based on user feedback and needs.


    Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated.


    If you have any more suggestions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out.




  • Enviro2's avatar
    Experienced User

    Hi MYOB,

    We need to have an option to turn off the onboarding function.  We have different processes and do not want to send an email to our employees and ask them to fill out their details on the screens. 

    Up to last week we had the option to not send the email, now you have taken that away and automatically sent the email.  This is rubbish.  It does not work for us.  Please give us the option to turn it off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    unhappy user

    • H-TS's avatar
      Trusted User

      What??? Not good at all. Let's hope they reverse that immediately. We haven't had any new employees since the last update, so thanks for the heads up Enviro2 ! That's just wrong.


    Why have you made onboarding automatic with the new upgrade? I now have to send an email to every new employee to tell them to ignore this MYOB request. Please allow a way to disable this annoying feature!

  • H-TS's avatar
    Trusted User

    Enviro2and Oz83 There's a tiny almost invisible 'enter manually' link - not even a tick box. Did you find that? We think it stops the automatic email. One of my colleagues just had the same issue as you despite the heads up I gave her the other day. 


    MYOB, via Princess_R It would make a lot more sense to have this as an OPT-IN rather than an OPT-OUT. It makes us look really unprofessional when we've already requested all this information, to then have a generic poorly-worded email (at least the last example I saw) be sent to that new employee. 
    This change is an exceptionally bad design and implementation. That tiny link should at least be at the top of the window not in the bottom left where no-one looks for anything.

    I'm scoring this one minus 10 out of 10 with a big thumbs down.

    • Thank You, that works, I didn't see that link. I've been leaving the email blank and filling in later but we shouldn't need to do this work around. I agree that onboarding shouldn't be the default setting. I'm particularly uneasy that the employee's reply to the onboarding request overrides what I have already entered from their signed employee declarations.   

    • I could have sworn I clicked the Enter details manually (maybe I just unticked the box) but the employee still got the email to fill in details and has now received multiple emails. I'm trying to figure out how to turn it off. I also unticked the "Provide access to employee benefits" box.

      • Enviro2's avatar
        Experienced User


        Yes you do need to do both as I also found out. 

        We use AccountRight

         To turn off the emails to the employee, open your file via the web from the home page, then choose payroll tab on the left hand side.  You should then see a box titled Employee information requests.   You can delete it there. It will ask you if you want to delete in full but don't choose that option.

        Hope this helps you.


  • Jaydana1's avatar
    Contributing User

    This would have to be the MOST stupidest, most annoying feature you have created.  I will NEVER want an outsider inputting data into our Company file / employee cards.  I always unticked the box to make sure it didn't send and today, you have changed the stupid thing, I thought I unticked it like normal (but apparently that is something else youve added - employee benefits omg enough with the junk), I clicked next AND YOU SENT IT TO THE EMPLOYEE OMG!!!! I do NOT want them interfering and overriding my information.  How stupid to design this, illiterate people who will fill it in in small letters when I only use capitals, people who won't set it out like I do, people WHO CAN'T SPELL!!!!  All you've created is a mess.  Now I will have to go back and re-do the mess they input.  I want to be able to DISABLE this junk immediately.  We are the ones paying for this, make it happen.  DISABLE, DISABLE EVEN BETTER DELETE!!!!!

    • Enviro2's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Jaydana1

      I have not had any response from MYOB to my post, which I find to be very disappointing.

      As a work around, we now put our admin email into their card details so the email does go to them.  Then after the email arrives we change the email address to their address.  

      Yesterday, we found out that MYOB sends out a text message direct to our employees to say, look out for the email. What a crock!!  No where does it tell you they send a text message.

      So now we are not entering the mobile number until the email is sent to try a stop our employees from messing with our payroll details.

      I feel your pain.



  • Well, my one client (3 MYOB Files) has warned me that if I don't find a way to not use this feature, they will seek to change to the Light Blue product immediately.

    Oh, well more work doing the conversion for me.

    In the meantime just email the request to YOURSELF and ignore it. You can then proceed the "OLD' way in MYOB.