CedarWest's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Forms: Statements - Terms field

If customers were reminded of their trading terms, it would perhaps reduce the number of overdue accounts.


Can Trading Terms be an available field to add to customer statements?


Thank You


"Customer Terms on Statements"

  • DSeals's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Has this amendment been considered and approved yet by MYOB?

  • DSeals's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Does anyone at MYOB care to comment about this post??  It's been up for a while with no resolution yet.


  • I wonder why this field hasn't been created yet.

    We have customers on different terms and I have customised statement to 14, 28 and 28+ days as a generic compromise deleting the word 'overdue' thanks to Mike James' post in August.

    It would be very helpful to have the trading terms showing.

