dgcrispi's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Import/Export: Item Sales - Import quantities and item numbers - prices comes from price matrix



I'm wondering if  I can only import the items and quantities, and then MYOB applies the default pricing matrix  which is already in system.Eg, import csv file as follows-


 1. Import  Date Customer Name/cardid, Item Number and Quantity.

 2. MYOB generates invoice using imported data and pricing rules in MYOB


I was able to successfully do step1, however the sales order generated all had $0 for price. I thought we could have some sort of an option or setting on items wherein MYOB could override or apply pricing if not present in the import data. 


We have 2000 + sales orders generated every month and complex pricing rules depending on the customer and the quantity. It was great to set up the pricing rules in MYOB but I can't indivudally generate the invoice for every customer each month as the item quantity will vary each month. MYOB being such a mature accounting software, I thought this would be already present.


Can this be made available? IF not is there a workaround to this?




"Importing Item Sales without Price and applying Price from MYOB"

  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status removed:
    Hello David. A transaction would be needed to update item quantity and value on hand, so to set item quantity and values, you can import an inventory adjustment. This is separate to importing the item details. You can currently set a pricing matrix in excel and import that information into AccountRight is that what you are wanting to do? I'm not sure how you would set a pricing matrix for items without importing a base selling price. Do you mean that you would like to set rules for a default pricing matrix, and then be able to have the software calculate all pricing levels for all items based on the base selling price and these rules?
  •  Do you mean that you would like to set rules for a default pricing matrix, and then be able to have the software calculate all pricing levels for all items based on the base selling price and these rules?

     Yes, that is exactly what I mean. I already have the pricing matrix and rules in MYOB, what I would like the software to do is calculate/generate the invoice based on these pricing rules and on the imported item quantity which will vary every month. Maybe my approach to do this is wrong and there is a better efficient way to do this via MYOB.


    My aim is to have MYOB generate invoices every month for all the customers. The items and pricing matrix are already set in MYOB. If it was 1, 2 or 5 customers, I would have selected the customer, generated an invoice manually for them by selecting the items and their quantities. But I have 2000+ customers, how would I go about generating invoices for all of these each month? 


  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff

    Thank you for the clarification, David (dgcrispi).


    I understand you would like to be able to import sales / orders with basic customer information and the Item and quantity details and have an option to tell the system to use the Price from the Selling Details tab of the Item.



    I can definitely see the benefit in this, especially considering the volume of sales that you're dealing with.


    Something for the developers to consider in a future update.


    Something that you may consider in the meantime is to set up Recurring Invoices in the system to 'sort of' automate the process. You will still have to update the Quantity and Items in each of the sale before recording it. On the positive this will ensure that the price is picked up from the Item card. However the negative would be that you still have to manually change each Invoice. May be a slight improvement to having to manually enter in each invoice. 



    MYOB Support



  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status added:
    Thank you for the update, David. I understand you would like to be able to import sales / orders with basic customer information and the Item and quantity details and have an option to tell the system to use the Price from the Selling Details tab of the Item. Our developers would love to see how many others would like this ability to be included in the software. So please vote and add your comments.
  • Thank you Suja, Looking forward in having this in MYOB soon.

  • eJulia's avatar
    Trusted Partner



    Which version of AccountRight are you using? The new version of TransPost, TransPost Express which imports into AccountRIght Live/2014 does pick up the item price if it is not supplied. It is currently available as a trial version see http://www.transpost.com.au


    Otherwise this feature is also going to be included in the next releases of TransPost and TransPost Plus which work with the classic (V19 etc) versions of AccountRight. These will be available by the end of the year.



    Contact enquiry@transpost.com.au for more details.



  • marki's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    I am with a school and have set up all our families to get term invoices by item. The fees go up year by year, but the recurring transactions of now repriced items prices them at last years prices.

    This in effect means its barely any use to set up recurring transactions for four uses then set them up again for the next four. Why doesnt it use the current item price?


  • Hi marki 

    Thank you for your feedback in regards to this idea.

    Along with commenting for an idea you can show your support for an Idea on the AccountRight Idea Exchange. You can vote for an idea using the + Vote button to the left of the idea's name.

    It does use the current item price as it reads the import file. As the import file contains zero it is going to import zero as the price. This is because importing is directly entering the transactions into the database, so you are stating that x is the price for the price of this. Whereas if you follow the enter sale option in the program its will use the pricing from the Customer. If you are importing you are setting this price and directly entering it into the database so it doesn't get a chance/need to look at the item price as you have stated this is the price.