ToeC's avatar
Trusted User
10 years ago

In Tray: Ability to match to a Recurring transaction



I like the new In Tray feature, and the ability to create new bills from imported documents.  However, most of my regular bills - electricity, telephone etc - are already set up as recurring transactions.  I want to use the recurring transaction, as it has the narratives and account numbers already populated - at the moment this means I cannot create the bill from the In Tray (and have to just link the electronic copy of the invoice to the transaction after it has been created).  


It would be great if a recurring transaction could be created from the In Tray - so the invoice date, invoice number and amount are picked up from the imported document, and the account number and narrative are taken from the recurring transaction.




"Create new recurring transaction from In Tray"

  • like everyone else - would really like the ability to use recurring transaction for 'in tray' documents!!!!

  • In Tray: Ability to match to a Recurring transaction  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE !!!

    It seems such a waste that you after "Creating New Bill" from the In Tray - you can't just use a recurring transaction. 


    After finding a "new" bill in the In Tray... you then have to exit out of that to go to RECURRING TRANSACTIONS to enter the Bill (as that is where you have created a template that you want to use on a recurring basis).. and then have to LINK the bill from the In Tray. 


    Hoping you can help fix this.