OLKroozer's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Inventory: Copy Item - copy all item data

Can you guys please put in an instant "Copy Item" button next to the "Copy From" button?

I am sure many Users would find the ability to copy all data from an existing Item to create a New Item, and then just modify the data as needed to update it to make the new Item.

Bit like the Recurring function- Just instant.


You wouldn't be able to save it as the original Item Number as the system will tell you that one already exists. Hence it forces you to at least create a new Item Number.


"Copying Item data"

  • Selby's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    +1 because some of our items are almost identical to ones already in the system, re-entering data just becomes an unnecessary waste of time if there is potentially software that can do it for us.

  • Hi MYOB

    with the items you should have a button that can create a duplicate item from the current item that you have open.

    as we're using skus for sizes it would be easier to create another size as an exact copy from the current.

    eg Anthony-SizeSmall ----> press a button at the bottom "duplicate this product" -----a new window is opened up and i can create Anthony-SizeMedium

    i know copy from is similar but the duplicate can carry over descriptions, locations, manufacturers etc



    • Suja_P's avatar
      Former Staff
      Status changed:

      Thank you all for your votes and comments. I agree it would be great to have a Copy button to simply copy all details of an Item (apart from the Item Number), to then go in and make any minor changes you may wish to make for the new Item created. We would love to see how many others would like this introduced in the AccountRight range. So please continue to vote and add comments. 

    • CartonConcepts's avatar
      Cover User

      Thanks Steven,


      I worked that one out when looking at converting files to use with another package. It will only import new items so it is one way of doing it, but not exactly the easiest.

      I have a spreadsheet that I'd output as a back-up and the "easiest" way of doing this, but it would still be nice to do it within the software.

      One issue I found when doing it this way is that my spacing doesn't work. I use the product description on the Details tab for most items but they just come in as a continuous line of text (wrapped of course) but not spaced on different lines. This means that I need to go into the item anyway to correct this.

      Also, where possible, I like to be able to add an image into it (this can't be done in the other packages I've seen). This can only be done after the item is saved so I'd need to go into the item anyway to be able to do this. This is another issue as even on a new item, I have to save it, which then kicks me out of the item, then go back into it to add the image. Very cumbersome and time-consuming when there's a whole new range of products.

    • Steven_M's avatar
      Former Staff

      Hi CartonConcepts 

      The other option would be to setup one item how you want it, go to File>>Import and Export Assistant>>Select to Export data and then Items. Follow through the process, this is going to create a txt file which can be opened in Excel where you can add in the other record/s based off the existing record. When happy, save it as a text file and then importing it back into the company file using the File>>Import and Export Assistant>>Import data>>Items option. Its recommend that you take a backup before the importing process as well. For more information into importing and exporting take a look at importing and exporting data

      It would be great if the program could in fact complete this process itself and I would encourage other users to vote and comment on the idea as required.