Ausresearch's avatar
Experienced Cover User
10 years ago

Inventory: Move Items - Print movement list

When we did stock movement from A to B, MYOB should let us to print out a piece of paper for warehouse people to do the movement job.


at the moment, there is no print the specified stock move available. which makes our job hard.




"Let us to print item movement notice"


  • There is no functionality for printing a report when transferring stock from location to location. There is also no report that can be printed after the transfer has been done and there is no reference in the stock inventory item that a transfer has been made.  ????  

    • I also need a report for stock movements between locations. This has been a regularly requested feature by users but still nothing from MYOB.

    • Leah11's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      I have been complaining of the same issue for the past few years - MYOB don't seem to care - they made our company downgrade to a lesser MYOB due to STP functionality yet removed major functions for companies utilising multi locations

    • DazzaB's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Hi Glaxxon Leah11 SweetOz 

      We the users need to start holding MYOB accountable for the lack of useful improvements being made.


      Your issue is one of many that are almost always the same real issue.


      A lack of customisability in all aspects of the programme but because you have a very specific need only a small number of people will vote for this idea


      They manage to divide us into small groups because we all have very specific changes or improvements that we want done but in general not enough people either see the request or want exactly that change made to get enough votes to hopefully get the idea considered for inclusion into the possible future improvements selection list that the Team will be considering for possible inclusion into the future improvements consideration list ( that nothing ever seems to get done from anyway).

      Please note the long winded underlined part is deliberate as that’s how difficult it is to get Anything changed in MYOB


      We need an external forum where we can distil out effective broad reaching changes to the usability of the program.

      What I am referring to is things like allowing us the users to have full and complete control of what information and arrangements we want on all the onscreen and offscreen reports including sales/purchasing/inventory and accounting screens

      In other words allow us to decide whatever information, in whatever format we need to suit our business in both onscreen and offscreen reports

      The issue seems to be that whatever columns and information the MYOB experts decided many years ago was the one and only arrangement that we would ever need because how could we possibly know better what would suit our business operation.

      We only run and manage our business everyday so how could we know what arrangement of information in on and offscreen would be best for our business.

      We could then give MYOB and the Team a list of effective changes that need to be made with a request for an expected delivery date for the changes to be implemented by.

      This may then help in speeding up the implementation of some really helpful changes

      As in the case above about

      There is no functionality for printing a report when transferring stock from location to location. There is also no report that can be printed after the transfer has been done and there is no reference in the stock inventory item that a transfer has been made.  ???? 

      This would be very useful to a number of users of MYOB but what would be more useful would be to allow the users to fully customise all and any columns in any report and to be able to select any column that that has any connection to that report. ( AND I DO MEAN ANY AND ALL COLUMNS NOT WHAT THE PROGRAMMER THINKS ARE THE CORRECT ONES)

      This would allow everyone to create any mix of columns in any order that suited their purpose.

      Instead of us asking for a single useful change that only suits a few people at atime we would have a single upgrade that would make it way more useful to many users.


  • Liam_M's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Thanks for your suggestion Ausresearch The ability to print out the details of an item movement would certainly allow greater visibly for user of Enterprise's multiple locations feature. Anyone who would like this feature, please cast your vote here.

  • OLKroozer's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    We have sorted this problem out by Customising the Item Invoice Template to Print without $$ figures/columns- Just have the data (Company Details, Sale ID, Salesman, etc) and columns you need (Quantities, Item Numbers and Descriptions).

    Remove all other references you don't need such as Company address, Order Totals, Freight, etc.


    We have also included blank columns so the Picker/Mechanic can tick off Items that are "On Order" or "In Stock", mark the Job/Pick as "Completed", and even room to add add basic reference notes if required.


    With the right Template we can print Picking Slips, Shipping Dockets and Job Cards (as they are all based on a Customer's Order or an Invoice) for use internally.

  • My clients were in effect forced to leave their MYOB version. They had locations functioning well and now they have move to AccountRight, and the functionality is not the same.  I have very unhappy clients now because they believe the locations for stock was the same level if not better with AccountRight.

    Please advise when location reports with dates will be introduced, the move item reporting and customisation of columns in move items.
