The 2 Items so we can seprate out Buy description from Sale description is really poor.
I put this effort in in the hope MYOB can see how ridiculous it is and fix it fast.
Buy Item Description : Araucaria cunninghamii (Potted - under 40cm) Condition on arrival to be Free of disease, in good health and immediately saleable
Sale Item Description : Hoop Pine (Other names: Colonial Pine, Queensland Pine, Moreton Pine) (Botanical Name: Araucaria cunninghamii) Size: 20-40cm
So we buy as buy item, recieve item and "build" to sale item to bridge the connections: This is pain point 1
NEXT: we need to analyse spoilage on this product for 2016. (IE: the product was bought, stored and some died, and were written off. but dd we get it right?)
To Analyse this product - we can not use ITEM HISTORY because the BUY ITEM only shows when we have PURCHASED and that there is NONE SOLD because it does not show that THE ITEM WAS BUILT INTO ANOTHER ITEM to be sold.
The SALE ITEM HISTORY does not help because it only shows we SOLD them, it doesn't show that we PURCHASED them - NOR DOES IT SHOW THAT WE BUILT THE SALE ITEM from ANOTHER ITEM.
So we have to run ridiculous reports - export to excel for faster converting to something that is easy for staff to check through and ensure we have written off all the dead / diseased stock. or have some been stolen?
You see what I mean now? All these extra steps, time, frustration and management needed - all because we do not have 2 ITEM DESCRIPTION OPTIONS for the one Item.
While you guys can say do this and it works - it is like saying here is your new car: beautiful car, even has aircon, (but you have to use this smooth polished and chrome plated crank handle to make the Airconditioner work)