Jonny_Orr's avatar
Former Staff
9 years ago

MYOB Invoices (app): Add discount to invoice items

Hi Team,


It would be great if you give a discount and have it show-up on the invoice to the client in the OnTheGo App

At the minimum, allow a negative number in the amount part as it would allow setting-up a 'discount' item to show it.


"OnTheGo App - giving a discount"

  • Hi Team,

    We would like to start using the invoicing app for our sales to team to put through their orders when they are on the road. However, they need to be able to have the option to discount on the item line. Some products invoiced to a customer attract a discount and some may not. Without this basic feature, the app is of no use to enabling sales reps to invoice on the road.

    At this stage we are looking to move out business from MYOB after 20 years to find a solution that better fits our needs.

  • AHJS's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    This need more votes.  Its so time consuming and customer confusing to overtyping the price to provide a discount for our in field sales team.  Please vote!!!

  • When dreating invoices in the App it would be good if we could place the Discount on the invoice.


    The way our invoices are structured is we show the retailer the RRP then give them a discountb of that as their margin. This means at present our salesmen on the road cant use this app to send an invoice immediately instead they have to manually adjust it in the office later before emailing.


    Also being able to add a freight component to the invoice would be good.