Sarah40's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Packing Slips: Backorder items to be included

I would like to see the option of displaying back-ordered items on packing slips. This would inform the receiver of the goods of what is on back-order. The back-orders are on the invoice, but our system is that this document goes to accounts, not with the goods.


"Back-ordered Items"

  • Hi Pauline23
    Thanks for your post and welcome here to the Community Forum. 
    Thank you for sharing your feedback through your vote and comment on this idea. We acknowledge that this is an important concept for your business. Currently, we do not have a specific timeframe for its implementation, but please be assured that we will convey this to our relevant team for consideration.
    Feel free to come back to the Community Forum if you have any more questions, we are more than happy to assist. 

  • Pauline23's avatar
    Contributing User

    Displaying back-ordered items on packing slips.

    This request  is dated 2014 (which is still very valid in 2023 - 9 years later!) has not been actioned by MYOB developers. Surely it's been on MYOB's to do list for 9 years. Does anyone know when it might happen??

  • JRG's avatar
    Cover User
    User Access: Restrict access to payroll should flow through to electronic payments and bank register
    Version 19 of MYOB had the correct and compliant access set up so that users with bank access but no payroll access were not able to drill down and see payroll information from the bank transactions.  Account Right does not have this VERY IMPORTANT feature????
    User access has been restricted from the payroll area & that appears to work if they look at the payroll accounts but not for the bank transactions drill down into payroll.

    Payroll is paid via electronic payments and the net pay for all staff shows up there.


    Please rectify this as soon as possible.  Confidentiallity is important in the workplace.


    • mumow's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Still no action on this important security breach - payroll information is critically important as a confidential matter between management and the staff member ! What on earth are the programmers doing if NOT keeping confidential information safe? It begs to query where the "improvements" are to the overall MYOB program is this issue is STILL not rectified! Remember Mind Your Own Business not TEYOB!!!

    • Angela14's avatar
      Contributing User

      Come on MYOB this is a COMPLETE & UTTER design fault. Will it take someone having an employee dispute / leave over seeing this information and being annoyed their pay isn't the same as someone elses & the company blaming MYOB for you to do something about it. Not only was this change not clearly communicated when it came through I cannot believe it has not yet been rectified. We have had issues in the past with staff seeing what other staff earn. Not good enough & really thinking about moving software purely based on this. It is a joke to be honest. Clearly MYOB no longer care what their customers want / need.

    • mumow's avatar
      Experienced Cover User

      Archaic that this important feature of confidentiality is STILL MISSING!! We have asked repeatedly and still nothing is done. Payroll should be completely isoloated so that only a select few can access the information, but others still have the ability to work effectively with the program.

  • Having the ability to show items backordered on packing slip.

    This would show our clients when recieving goods there is still items yet to come.

    Currently i get calls from clients reciving team sayng there are missing items on the order.

    If it was clear on the packing slip (like it is on invoice) this would save confusion.

    • fg1's avatar

      I have tried putting the packing slip in the Item Area and it still doesnt print back orders. Any ideas

    • ledzeppago15's avatar
      Experienced User

       I Agree with  this requirement at your soonest





    • Caroline_V's avatar
      Experienced User

      Hi Comp-Eng


      I agree with you.  The way we get around this is we have set up a Packing Slip form under Invoices > Item instead (as opposed to Invoices > Packing Slip (Item)).  It's not the "correct" solution but it works for us and is clear for customers that way.


      Kind regards


  • We need to show back orders on our delivery dockets, not just on the Invoice, as this would deminish the amount of calls we receive just wanting to know if their goods are on back order. Can this be an urgent update by chance?

  • Hi longtermuser & Kelly81 

    Thank you both for your comments and feedback relating to the inclusion of back ordering items on packing slips, I have shared them with the team.

  • Kelly81's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Wow, I would have expected MYOB to already have had this feature...

  • We often are required to send a Packing Slip only to customers. We need to advise them what is on back order - currently we need to "hand write" this.


  • We need this with our Business too.

    Thanks. I have just voted for your idea.

    • jfdman's avatar
      Cover User

      Can someone work out how to add backorder items to a Delivery Docket, and not just an Invoice in the next update?

      My Customers keep requesting this, as the DD goes to their Store & they never see the Invoice.

      It would make life much easier for Storemen.