LLV_Kent_F's avatar
12 years ago

Reconcile Accounts: Restrict access to viewing full payroll transaction

We are using MYOB Premier v19.7 and basically have staff performing two roles:

  • one undertakes our payroll (HR);
  • while another undertakes the day to day banking functions including bank reconciliations (ADMIN).

What we would like to be able to do is allow the ADMIN person to undertake bank reconciliations using just the headline figure from a pay run and not be able to drill down into the detail.


We have been advised that the current situation is:

If ADMIN has access to see the final amounts in payroll, they will have access to view the transaction. There is no way to block access to the transaction, without also removing the ability to see the final amounts as well.

It does seem to be odd that other aspects can be protected, but not this part. Our only work around therefore would be to either

  • have HR do our bank reconciliations as well; or
  • pay for a separate bank account to run our payroll.

As we can lock down our bank accounts to only see headline figures for these payment batches it would be great to have future versions of MYOB do the same.

"Protecting payroll detail in bank reconciliations"

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    AccountRight 2017 allows for a user's role to have access to the Reconcile Accounts window,  but if their user access doesn't allow access to view payroll transactions they will not be able to view the actual transaction. The transaction will appear in the Reconcile Accounts so it can be included in the reconciliation.


  • ronatbas's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    As a bookkeeping company, and for very different reasons, we train our clients to only ever use mulitpay for payroll settlement. We also set up their payroll to pay wages from a payroll clearing account. The effect of these two actions is that, on the main bank account, there is nothing to drill down to. The multi -pay from the bank is a Spend Money from the bank to the payroll clearing account. Obviously the Payroll clearing account would also be available to your Admin person and the only way to stop access to that is to appeal to the sensibilities of the staff not to go there. This would mean that you would have to access the file, in strictest privacy (of course) to ensure that your HR has paid exactly as per the original payroll.

    All business is built on trust - you trust that your clients will pay you within an agreed time, your suppliers trust that you will follow the rules that you expect of others - why not try trusting the people who you are entrusting your business to, they have access to far more important numbers than the 30% you spend on payroll.

