scfsh's avatar
Experienced Cover User
11 years ago

Report: Payroll Activity - Job filter

Related Thread:


By adding job codes to a payroll summary (or having the ability to sort/filter by job code) this will easily give a client the ability to see all payroll expenses for different stores. If they were going to different areas, or getting paid at different times this would benefit.


"Job Codes in Payroll Summary"

  • Status removed:
    Hi scfsh Thank you for your feedback into the AccountRight programs. Just a quick question would you like to see the job column added to the Reports>>Payroll Employees>>Activity Summary report or the Register Summary report or both reports?
  • Hi SwBSH,


    If interested, you can download a free copy of ExcelReportLink Payroll Pivot solution which may be able to do just what you need.


    It's hot off the press (i just uploaded the installer on our site today).


    At Accounting Addons, we specialise on solving core reporting problems for people. We typically give our products for free and simply charge for additional consulting, customisation and training.


    Have a look, tell us what you think. And if you need any things changed, drop us a line.






  • scfsh's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi @Steven_M 

    I would think it would be the best to be able to filter by job code in both(if not all payroll reports as you may want to see a detailed report sorted by job codes too), and also I was thinking a good place for it would be Reports>>Payroll>>Payroll Categories>>Payroll Summary also, as that would give clients the ability to also see used/accum hours too.



  • Status added:

    Thank you for the idea. Unfortunately, this request has had little support for the community since it was submitted so we are moving this idea to the Archived status. For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article Changes to our Idea Exchange pages