johnhaney's avatar
Cover User
11 years ago

Sales: One customer multiple invoices attached to email

If we had to send say 20 x invioces to the same customer as they have to go through each individual item within each invoice before approval, wouldn't it be better to send 1 x email with all the invoices together as your current system it sends each invoice out 1 by 1 and locks you out from using any other part of MYOB. It is taking about 1-2 minutes to send each invoice out. What pain as 20-40 minutes you cannot use MYOB. 


"Emailing multiple invoices"

  • This is a very poor outcombe as customers do not wish to receive multiple emails please hurry up with a solution

  • billy75's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I completely agree. This has been an ongoing problem for a couple of years now and is still not resolved.

  • This is yet another area where something that anyone with some intelligence would see as a no-brainer either hasn't been thought of by the programmers or they just assume that we'll continue to put up with the status quo. Looking forward to getting this silly issue fixed asap - or will consider switching to another program!

  • billy75's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I honestly can't believe this is still an issue. I have been using AccountRight for years and raised it back then as had others. And yet we are all still waiting......