Printerfuel's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Sales: PayPal Seller Protect delivery details

Paypal who have fast become one of the largest methods of receiving online payments for online sales have introduced a "SELLER PROTECT" scheme. One of the prerequisites of this service is proof of shipment. To assist with this there is insufficient information with regard to shipping details in MYOB.

Information required :

Shipping Agent : Full name

Phone #

URL (for tracking details)

Connote #

Package #

If this information was to be supplied up front to the online buyer there would be a reduction in undelivered claims. Please consider these inclusions in the next update.

Thanks John 

"PayPal Seller Protect delivery details"

1 Comment

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Thank you for the post. With the popularity of online payments via PayPal increasing, we can see the benefit of being able to include these additional information on the Invoice. While some of these details could be added to available fields within the invoice, like Journal Memo, Comments or the Referral Source fields (if these are not already being used) it could help to have fields specifically designed for such information. If others would like this added to the program, please show your interest by voting on the idea and adding any relevant comments.