jenniek's avatar
Ultimate Partner
12 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Ability to enter transactional line without $0.00 appearing

I would prefer to see the old way of using blank lines come back - I use item layout where I have items setup for Job Number/Job Name etc - these become searchable items and useful, however now I can't use them because a blank $0.00 on every line in the invoiuce - I can use "blank lines" in some cases - but these aren't searchable. Bring back the old way.


"$0.00 on every blank line"

  • WBR's avatar
    Cover User

    Can you please stop each line of a service invoice from being a transaction line. The older versions of AccountRight gave me the freedom to enter individualised instructions and descriptions for our customers. Now I have to make each line a header line. This considerably increases the amount of time spend entering each invoice. For a data entry person this is unacceptable.

  • This has been an ongoing problem since the 2012 upgrade! About time it was fixed. The previous invoice layout was flexible and as a small business person, I found it ideal for our use as did many others by the look of the replies. Give those of us that get frustrated with preparing invoices that takes a lot longer than necessary the ability to do so quickly and efficiently.

  • Yep- just upgraded from Ver 19.5 (which worked fine with Windows 10) to ver 2016.   Finding that I have to suffer a column of 0.00's for an itemised invoice in the transaction pane with many lines of work documented, looks dreadful.   The 'work around' of using a blank line or a header line is lacking the ability to put the date in the lines in a date column, having instead to put the date on blank line.
    Bring back the ability not to have to put an item and an amount in a transaction line, and to have the date in a date column.

  • February 2017 and this is still an issue! Have just upgraded and the problem still exists. PLEASE do something about it. Instead of pretying things up how about resolving this issue.

  • aatrev's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Bring back the OLD way forsure. Takes so much longer to do invoicing when you have to insert 'blank line' and 'header'  when not placing a $$ value on a default line.

  • Totally agree - its  Feb 22 2017 and its still an issue.   First post made Dec 2012.   4 years and no solution.   Please do something about it.

  • AGF1989's avatar
    Experienced User

    Can MYOB refer to their Premier program and the way you can enter purchases and sales.  Now that we are being forced to utilise AccountRight (for ATO requirements) its become a huge pain to enter invoices or purchases.   Why do we have to insert blank lines or transaction lines.  Can't you make it like it is in Premier - if you tab across then its a transaction line, if you don't tab across its not a transaction line.  Painful!

  • Hi, after coming from Account Right Premier V19.15 into 2019.2, I needed to change the dates on 20 invoices, which you can no longer do as my invoices had miscellaneous information in the description field that didn't need to be charged to an account number. If I wanted to change the date, I had to re-enter all of the information in my invoice using blank line entries so it didn't need an account number for every line, what an absolute waste of time! This needs to be updated that you shouldn't need to enter an account number for every line entry in an invoice, purchase order, quote.