The description field in the time billing module is limited to 256 characters. This is a continual source of time wasting for us as we OFTEN need to include way more that 256 charachers in this field.
The current process is to add the full text description from our time keeping software. which may include several or many lines. Then attempt to save the invoice, then get triped up on the number of characters, then for each descriptrion, cut some txt and add a line below. then try to save, then find description is still to big then repete, then repete. Then go to next description and repeate. Thuis is very tedious, time consumming and most of all frustrating.
Is it possible to either.
1) Expand the field to inculde more characters
2) auto disect the flied so if it contained more than 256 characters it would auto chop the txt at 265 characters and put the remained on a new line, for each block in excess of 256. I.E. if the txt was 750 characters Accountright would make 3 lines to fit the text in.
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- 11 months ago