Is it possible to record a sales analysis code or category per line item in a sales transaction?
My Reasoning:
The line item on my sales invoice may be "Labour Jim" this reports to my GL Code Labour. But I also want to break it down so I can see what kinds of job it was e.g. Labour Jim (Inventory) and Hot Water Unit Replacement (Category) or Blocked Drain (Category).
The Categories and Sales Person features that currently exist only allow me to record one per transaction so when I run a report on categories I see the whole sale and not just the one line item that may be applicable e.g. I don't want my 'Callout' inventory item linked to my 'Hot Water Replacement' category.
Does that make senses...
So, if on each line item I could record a cetegory I would be able to use the category report to further break down my Profit and Loss report and see what categories are making money.
P.s. I don't want to have to setup a new inventory item for every fieldworker (Jim) and every category
P.p.s. I already use jobs for tracking jobs so this won't work either.
We too are wanting to use Categories on both sales and purchase transactions to track different profit centres. However, multiple profit centres can exist within one sale or purchase transaction, so the category needs to be applied per line item, not per whole transaction. Job numbers are already in use to track individual pieces of work (warranty and recall records), so we are currently keeping records external to MYOB to track profit centres. This means a lot of duplication, and, as with any manual system, it is open to error.
Hence, you get my vote.