PrincessYachts's avatar
Cover User
13 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Include a Categories column on Enter Sales/Purchases window

Please could we have a Categories column in the Enter Sales and Enter Purchases windows.

Our company has three branches that we need to report on individually as well as a group.

At the moment when we receive supplier invoices from for example telephone companies, IT providers etc we need to split the bill across the three branches or cost centres, currently to do this in myob we have to enter the bill three times, once for each branch/category/cost centre at the apportioned amount. The categories function would be so much more useable to companies if you could split bills for example across categories in a single record entry.


"Categories Column in Sales and Purchases"

  • Agree. Categories will work for us too if it is attached to each account instead to each invoice.


    I sometimes have one invoice that relates to different cost centres, fuel cards for example.

  • Definately agree that Categories need to be able to be split per line instead of whole transaction. 

    Entering the same "bill" in 3 times to get the percentage split is extremely time consuming.

    I thought MYOB is suposed to save users time, not waste it! :smileyhappy:


    This feature would be fantasic.

  • ClaireMartin's avatar
    Contributing User

    Has there been any progress on this? - It is exactly what we need to be able to do.

  • Please action. It will not impact the balance sheet/P&L. We all just need to be able to assign both categories and jobs to each line item of a sale and purchase. Each sale has individual components assigned to certain office/business sections. We can have purchases that need to allocated to certain offices (i.e. category) and jobs. (e.g. national freight invoices have individual lines items that are both job and office (i.e. category) specific).

  • ClaireMartin's avatar
    Contributing User

    I agree with PrincessYachts, we need Category codes by line.  We currently use job codes & department codes as well but have to post invoices multiple times to achieve the category split :o(

  • Could we please be allowed to change categories in transactions that have been paid? The inability to do this, couple with the way any journal has to have the same category on both debits and credits, makes it very difficult to use categories to track spend by department.



  • BronwynHamster's avatar
    Trusted Cover User

    Given categories don't work, and never have, in Account Right Live product (6 years and counting) then I wouldn't hold my breathe for an enhancement let alone correcting major system bug. Regards, Bronwyn

  • ClaireMartin's avatar
    Contributing User

    I have the same issue in AccountEdge!  I have to delete the payment to be able to add the category :o(