JBK's avatar
12 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Paid Today - Select account

Purchases when paying from the Purchase screen (PAID TODAY) can we select what account we want to pay from. Instead of it going straight to the linked account.

  • When entering a purchase (That has already been paid), It would be great if we could select which bank this purchase is paid by in the paid to day, and not the default bank,  some purchase are paid by credit card or other means.  This would save a lot of time of recording the purchase and then going into the Pay Bills  Comand and allocating a payment where you select the account that it is paid from.  EG.  Bank, Credit Card, BPay, etc.

  • Status changed:
    Maybe later

    Thank you for the idea, comments and votes, this is something we do see the benefit of being included in the software. Please continue to vote and comment. 


    For more information on Idea Statuses, please read this article: Changes to our Idea Exchange pages

  • Hi 


    I am often entering purchases that have been paid on the same date as the invoice.  Sometimes I pay from the bank account which is easy as I just put the amount in the 'paid' box as this is our default payment option.  I also often use a credit card to make payments which means I have to enter the purchase then click ok which makes the purchase disappear.  I then have to go into the purchase register to retrieve the purchase, click on the payments button & choose the credit card as the payment option to complete that screen.


    This is extremely time consuming!


    Would it be possible to have multiple options for payment on the 'add new purchase' screen?  It would save me hours of work :)


  • Bil's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    When entering a new invoice in AR 2019, when you select amount PAID TODAY, it only allows two options: "Undeposited Funds" and only one other default account. In classic MYOB, you could choose ANY account from a drop down menu. This should be the case in AccountRight too. Should be able to select ANY valid bank account to accept Paid Today when entering a new invoice. Otherwise you have to send it to Undeposited Funds, then go back in and change the payment to the desired account. This is dumb and triple the work.

    Please fix this EASY, simple obvious glitch.

    Thank you,


  • Please add an option to set the Paid Today field on purchases to come from a bank account, not a cheque. It's really annoying having to bring up the Pay Bills window every time to park a purchase as paid.


  • Additionally I would like to be able to select the date it was paid - along with the account it is paid from.

  • I have been asking for this for years, it would make life so much easier when entering purchases that have already been paid, no matter which bank/credit card account it has been paid from or the date.  I think a lot of people would benefit from this change, even if they have not even thought about it.

  • PLEASE include this in the next update.

    It is so imperative to saving time and opening and closing windows.

    It has been on the Mac version for a long time and it is SO frustrating without it.


  • This should also be impmeneted for BOTH SALES and PURCHASES.

    SALES more important

  • It would be so great if on the same screen as New Purchase that you could close with “paid today” option but from another account.


    Eg. using PAID TODAY but with the pull down arrow you could select another account (eg. visa card).