mbes's avatar
Cover User
12 years ago

Sales/Purchases: Sort/change the order of transactional lines

I would like to be able to sort the items in an invoice (or purchase order) according to item code (or any other field for that matter). This necessary when there are many items in one invoice (or purchase order).


"Item Sorting"

  • Tannie7484's avatar
    Experienced User

    Where do we find the list of idea changes so we can vote? I cant seem to find them. Thanks.

  • Global's avatar
    Experienced Cover User


    How about you put the wheels in motion for this please.  Yourself and other MYOB staff have seen this post over the last 7 years+. There are votes for this but as users, we can only do so much. I had a teamviewer meeting with MYOB for a survey and suggestions when the TRAY was proposed a few years ago and I raised this and showed them what was needed. Was advised it would be passed to the developers but nothing happened.

    This would be a great feature for MYOB where inventory is concerned.

    It is featured in other screens with TABS such as ITEM List, PURCHASE Register and SALES Reg on MYOB but not in SALES or PURCHASES. 


    Also Steven, I see you made a comment on another post regarding the same thing in 2017 where you advised the following:

    "With the release of AccountRight 2017.1 comes the ability to sort the Auto-Item Items tab of an item and the Build Items window by the column headings. For example, you can sort the Item number alphabetically or sort by quantity in descending order."


    Yes, that would also be great on invoices, packing slips or purchase orders, bills.

  • SimonM1981's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    We only have 6000 lines but MYOB have even told me that I need to be using there "bigger business" version, however our turnover/staff is that of a small business and I can't justify the $20000.00 + they say we need to spend.  Then....would we be guaranteed it would  work how it should?  I've looked at other programs but don't particually want to move when we know MYOB inside out and upside down.....after 15 years with them since I started my business its hard to change......I'm sure MYOB know that is the same for most of us.  What do we do?



  • DazzaB's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Simon/Global
    We have in excess of 20,000 line items in our stock system and we are like you self in having been using it for a lot of years ( Since 1993 here)
    This used to be the cutting edge of Stock/purchasing/sales for small business’s but it is now not even the handle of the knife yet alone even the back edge
    They have not kept up with improvements that make using MYOB for Sales, Purchasing or Stock control truly user friendly and
    As computers have improved over time the available memory, speed and operating systems have allowed for vastly greater interconnected information streams and simple web page style hover ( showing more info or a link to important info) . This matching improvement has never happened in MYOB
    Over 90% of changes have all been for the accounting side of a business and while that is Important after the event of a sale it does not contribute to generating an income ( which pays all the bills )
    Streamlined and effective purchasing with pricing options and supplier options / part catalogue information availability etc save time and money.
    User friendly Stock receiving, backorder control and inventory cross referencing also same time and money.
    Sales system like purchasing but with its own information stream for sales/customer relations etc.
    Case in point
    Ability to backorder nonstock lines on a supplier from within the sales screen and have MYOB hold that order until either an Auto Order or a manual order is done for that Supplier and then add it to the order PLUS automatically link it to the Original sales order.Also set a time limit for it to be held in limbo and it advise a designated person when that time limit is reached
    When the nonstock Item arrives, the Stock receiving person is advised when they are receiving the item that it is allocated to a sales order and depending on the business model what happens at that point
    Options include but is not limited to,
    (And all options need to be available for us the users to pick NOT someone who has never run a business like yours)
    Stock person can advise sales that it has arrived via internal mail/contact (lots of possibilities)
    Stock person can access sales order and advise customer that parts have arrived and advise sales that customer contacted re parts.
    Stock person can access sales order and advise customer that parts have arrived and then complete sales order and invoice ( note way more efficient for a small business) and advise sales that sales order completed if necessary.
    Im sure there are many more options but so far MYOB has none
    After 30 ( Yes THIRTY ) years this program should be the Best of the Best but it is far from it
    If anyone (either MYOB or another user) would like to discuss this further please message me and I will supply contact details

  • SimonM1981's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Darryl

    I'm always up for a chat to discuss options with other business owners.  I'm busy all next week with a big show but after that would be ok to talk.



  • Global's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Still no decision for this suggestion of sorting for packing lists, bills, invoices and orders. Is MYOB still asleep? You can make all the suggestions on this community forum, but falls on deaf ears with MYOB!!