DazzGC's avatar
10 years ago

Search: Ability to search for partial item description

We are a small business with a large volume of SKUs, and approximately 30,000 line items. We can't remember all the product descriptions so the ability to search within a description string is quite essential. Xero and Sassu both search the entire description whereas MYOB requires you to enter the exact description. This is a real pain to generate item based invoices.

For example:


Product Description: Dark Blue Shirt


For MYOB you must search: "Dark" to bring this item up as an option, whereas you should be able to search for "blue".


MYOB retailmanager allows asterisk and question mark wildcard operators (ie *blue*) to search for a string within a string. At the very least Accountright should be able to offer this search functionality. I can't image it would be difficult.


The same search functionality would be useful for Customer, supplier and pretty much any other searchable field.


We will not be able to migrate invoicing to MYOB until this feature is enable or a suitable work-around (ie wildcards) is provided.

"Improved search functionality for searching within item description"

  • I am referring to both when entering an item based invoice/sale. In the item code, you can start typing th description but it only works if you start typing the EXACT description.


    I am running Accountright Plus 2015 online version. 2015.1.17.580

  • Hi mit78c 

    Thank you for voting and your feedback, I've shared your thoughts with the team.

  • Hi DazzGC 

    Are you referring to the name of the item or the actual description field (i.e. click into the item and select the Item Description)?

    Also what version of the program are you on? Help>>About would confirm that information.

  • Spot on this would be very helpful i also posted a similar request but couldn't exactly work out was i was trying to request eg "wildcard search function", because the wildcard search works in the bank register area of the the current MYOB account right 2015.1.


  • KattC's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:

    Hello DazzGC 


    Thank you for your request for wildcards in the search function, I believe that a lot of clients will benefit from this future. If there is anyone else out there that would like this please vote and leave your comments. 



  • AlanT's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    Hi Michael,


    Interestingly enough, this type of searching has already been implemented in MYOB's Essentials product...

