DebTraj's avatar
10 years ago

Spend Money: Remove the warning for Pay Bill transactions (when supplier is selected)

Hi, one of the more annoying features that I find is when MYOB wants to persistently warn me when I make a Spend Money entry that perhaps I should be using Purchases for this entry when this is not so.  This annoying little warning holds me up every time.


Thanks Debbie


"Remove or provide an option to remove the warnings for Purchase Entries"


If the cheque you are entering is a payment for a purchase that you have recorded, you should be using "Pay Bills" instead of "Spend Money"


  • payrollers's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    It feels like time stands still in myob land. 

    When will this warning be disable-able?

    Will it take a whole decade!

    lets see


  • Fussycat's avatar
    Contributing User

    Hi Yes please MYOB - this warning drives me insane as I enter a lot of spend money transactions each month. It is very time consuming to have to deal with this annoying warning...

    If you dont know when you should be using Purchases or Spend Money you should probably not be entering any data at all!!


    Also the only time I believe a warning SHOULD be popping up, it doesnt, and this is when you are paying bills, where the amount entered as the payment amount ends up not being the same as the invoices entered for that payment, MYOB simply takes the amount off the next invoice with no warning!! That scenario SHOULD have a pop up warning you that the amount is not the same as the payment amount instead of just allocating the payment balance to the next invoice, which then leaves that invoice as part paid. 



  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi all,

    Thank you for reaching out and sharing your suggestion for adding an additional feature to our software. We genuinely appreciate your input and your engagement with our product.

    We understand the importance of this feature to you, and we'll carefully evaluate its feasibility and potential benefits. While we can't make any promises at this moment, we will do our best to provide you with a decision or update on this request in the coming weeks.

    Once again, thank you for your suggestion and for being a valued user of our software.

  • Stillonhold's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Hi Earl

    This reply, on a complaint post that is coming up to 10 Years on,  is a waste of words.
    As if you "need to understand the feasability and potential benefits"
    These generic responses are insulting to the users.

  • jenniek's avatar
    Ultimate Partner

    As a bookkeeper who checks client processing - I actually like this reminder - as it is a warning/prompt for clients who constantly enter spend money transactions instead of pay bills - maybe a preference to have it on or off would be better, don't just turn it off.

  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi Stillonhold,

    My apologies if you feel that way. I've raised this to the relevant team for consideration, we'll give you an update once this feature will be available. 

    In the meantime, feel free to post again in the forum if you need any other assistance and one of us will be happy to assist you.

  • Hi Jenniek, I agree that this reminder is good where there is a non zero balance for the client. I can imagine people incorrectly use Spend Money instead of using Paying Bills.


    Personally I only tend to use Pay Bills very occasionally, around the end of the FY to control which FY the expense belongs to. However it seems like if I have use Pay Bills once ever for a supplier (say Telstra to pay a phone bill incurred at the end of one FY and paid at the start of another), it will always ask forever more every time I go to pay a bill, even though there is no bill for that supplier! I find it really annoying and unnecessary as it seems others have as well - although I completely agree that the warning is very good in the instances there IS a non-zero Pay Bill amount.

  • this was raised in 2014, it is now 2024 and the warnings still exist PLEASE DISABLE, or at least have the option to disable