ntoumba's avatar
Experienced Cover User
2 years ago

Bank Feeds - Hide Transaction - HIDDEN TRANSACTIONS

Please enable to ability to HIDE transactions on the bank feed. 


This appears to already be partially available as the HIDDEN Transactions is a option in the Status drop down menu.


This is a important feature, particualarly when the only alternative is to contact MYOB to have transactions deleted. 



  • Please update MYOB business to incorpoarte the hide bank feeds option - very frutstraing that it was in Accountright but now has disappeared.




  • Earl_HD's avatar
    MYOB Moderator

    Hi JTLawnmowing,

    We appreciate your suggestion and feedback and my apologies for the late response. 

    I acknowledge the significance of this feature for you. Your request has been forwarded to the relevant team, and they are actively working on it for potential inclusion in our future software updates. Should you have any additional queries in the meantime, please don't hesitate to post again, and we'll be more than happy to assist you.


  • Please update the online version of Accountright to have the hide function available on Bank Transactions/Feeds.  

  • Hi Horsehoon
    Thanks for your post and welcome here to the Community Forum. We are glad to have you here. We are thankful for your effort in showing your support with your comment on this feature. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused due to the absence of this functionality, and we truly value your patience and understanding. Rest assured that we will pass along your feedback to the relevant team. 

    In case you have any further queries, please feel free to return to the Community Forum. Our team is always here to help. 

  • Horsehoon's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    I propose that the HIDE option should be included in the Browser version of AccountRight as well.  Thank you 

  • Hi ntoumba 


    Thank you so much for getting back to us and share an update on the issue. 


    I am sorry for the confusion, Hiding transaction is only available on AccountRight upon checking here you are currently using MYOB Business and this feature is not available in Business Pro as what I have mentioned on my previous post. 



    You can also check on this Help Article: Matching Bank Transactions it contains more information 


    If you need further assistance of if you still have questions, feel free to post again. 


    If my response has answered your inquiry please click "Accept as Solution" to assist other users find this information.






  • ntoumba's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Hi Celia_B 


    Thanks for your reply. 


    Unfortuantley I am not wanting to 'delete a pay' . I am wanting to Hide or Delete a duplicate transaction that has appeared on the bankfeed.  This has not been imported by bank statement so there is no way for me to delete this that I am aware of. 


    I also use AccountRight and Hiding a transaction appears to be available in Business Essentials as there is a  option to select the Hidden Status when viewing Bank Transactions:


    I am dissapointed that you say this is not available in Business Essentials - particularly since I was encouraged by MYOB sales staff that moving to the Business subscription from AccountRight would provide me with the same features in regards to Bank Feeds. This is a misssing feature and I hope it will be added soon. 


    Otherwise I will likley end up with a long list of transactions sitting in my Bank Accounts feed that I can not do anything with. 



  • Hi ntoumba 


    Thank you for your post. 


    Thank you so much for your feedback. We'll relay your idea/feedback to the relevant team. Rest assured that we are doing our best to improve and provide excellent service to our valued customers. 


    As of the moment, Hiding transaction is only available on AccountRight. This feature is not available on Business Essentials. Deleting a pay, updating the linked account and then re-processing that pay would be the required process for dealing with that situation. You can check on this Help Article Changing or deleting a pay. for more information on the process. 


    If you need further assistance please feel free to post again. We're happy to assist you. 


