JB1551JB's avatar
Experienced Partner
9 years ago

Employees: Leave - ability to make adjustments to current leave amounts

I understand that Essentials is a 'basic' program - but     with the huge uptake of clients it would be wonderful to  be able to adjust leave taken after the pay has been processed, paid and alloacted - as sometimes clients forget to advise you that the employee took time off a month ago.


Thanks :)


"Adjustment of leave"

  • Hi MYOB 

    could I please ask if we can have personal and annual leave can be adjusted manually by an operator. 

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    Adjustment leave entitlements can be done through the processing of an adjustment payroll transaction within MYOB Essentials impacting the desired entitlements.


    Note: This payroll change is available for the new MYOB Essentials platform. Existing (original) MYOB Essentials platform users will be migrated across to the new platform in due course based on the complexity of their MYOB Essentials product level. At the time of posting, migrations are already underway.