Deb234's avatar
Cover User
8 years ago

Online Payments: Identify payments for easier reconciliation

Hi there I have had continuing issues with reconcilig transaction that are paid with Paydirect for a couple of reason so i wanted to suggest in regards to Paydirect the system can it be adjusted to allow for clear identification of the transactions.

Customer service could only point me to a manual reconciliation of the invoices due to the fact that the incoming payments have no identifying or associated identifyers.

It makes it very hard and time consuming havng to to wade through bank statments and MYOB emails and invoices.

I have also found that if 2 or more customers pay on the same day Paydirect combine the deposits which leave sometime complete unrelated deposits are combined together so we have to wade through the receipts to work out who paid when.

It has also seen a few clients that have paid not had their invoice cleared off the system as they have not recognised it.

The process is meant to be automated and this makes it a little slow to have to manually reconcile everything. It also makes it difficult if someone in the team that doesnt normally deal withthe accoutn hasto try and workit all out which in our busy season can happen as we need to process orders very fast so everyone does a bit of everything,

So it would be great if all the payments had some identifying reference i.e. an MYB invoice number and are deposited separately into the account as to ensure they can easily reconciled. Thank you. 

1 Comment

  • I support your view PayDirect was supposed to help us and make it quicker. However, it is close to impossible to understand where the receipts have come from. Further, why doesn't the receipt close the invoice and reconcile to the bank?