Fiona77's avatar
10 years ago

Report: GST detailed report - Include contact of transaction



It would be great if the payee or supplier etc was shown on the gst detailed report - not just the account the item was coded to. You can not use this report to check coding or analysis and is therefore useless as a review report.


How are we supposed to check GST coding?



Fiona Deed

"GST detailed reports"

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    The GST report in MYOB Essentials allows users to add the Name field which will showcase the contact name of the transaction.


    For more information on adding columns to reports please see Help Article: Customising reports.

  • This need to be done ASAP. I even cant check the transactions if it is correct for GST or not now. We dont need the name of the account for twice.

  • Check it out - the NEW report 'GST Detailed Report' !!

  • HI Team

    The GST audit trail in MYOB Essentials is useless because it:

    a) Does not show the supplier or customer against each transaction.  We need this so when a client is checking they can see if transactions are coded correctly.

    b) The abiltiy to run the GST audit trrail by account code order by GST class like you can do in BankLink.

    C) At the bottom of the report it should show the GST to be paid or refunded like BankLink.


    The Gst audit trail is the most important report that needs to be user friendly and if there is somehting wrong be able to quickly locate and find the transaction.


    Kind Regards



  • Thank you very much for your feedback Rebecca_Palmer.


    I can see you haven't cast your vote for this idea, I would encourage you to add your vote by clicking on the '+Vote' button next to the idea title. The votes would help our developers to track the demand, and priorities their work.

  • Rebecca_Palmer's avatar
    Experienced Partner

    Yes I completely agree it is very annoying when checking that something has been coded to GST correctly. It really should have supplier name/spend money memo on the report please. 

  • Please include this column. Makes it easier to check GST allocations when reviewing entries for BAS

  • Hi CareyG


    Thank you for your feedback in regards to this idea

    MYOB Essentials Cashbook and MYOB Essentials Australia is designed slightly differently to MYOB Essentials New Zealand in turns of GST Reporting, as the GST values and reporting requirements are different.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Fiona77


    Thank you for your idea in regards MYOB New Zealand Essentials and the GST Details Report

    Currently the GST Detail report will only show the account number along with transaction references number, date and amount. This does not show the description field or the Payee field which would show you were the payment has come from.

    I would encourage other clients using MYOB Essentials for New Zealand that would like to see the description/payee column added to the GST detail report to vote and comment if required for this idea.

    Please note that this idea is exclusively for MYOB Essentials New Zealand. MYOB Essentials Australia does have a different setup and this field can be displayed on the report.

  • Hi 

    The MYOB Essentials Cashbook GST detailed report lists a description which shows the Payee but MYOB Essentials Accounting does not. Why is this? 
