AnnetteH's avatar
Cover User
8 years ago

Reports: Inclusion of Payables with tax and Receivables with Tax

Could we please have reports of Payables with Tax and Receivables with Tax as per AccountRight included in Essentials?

I think that most Essentials customers report GST on a cash basis.  One of the checks I perform before submitting a BAS is to check the balances of the GST Collected and GST Paid accounts against the amounts to be reported in the BAS.  With non-cash reporting, the two should match so that's easy.  With cash reporting the difference should be the GST on outstanding payables and receivables at the end of the quarter.  Hence I would really appreciate this report being available in MYOB Essentials so that I can complete this check.

  • At the end of the reporting period, we need to be able to find out the GST in the unpaid invoices and unpaid bills.

    In AccountRight, this is the Receivables with Tax and Supplier with Tax reports.


    The only way I can get this in Essentials for debtors (Where I only have 1 account that has no tax) is to run the GL for that sales account as accrual and then as cash, the difference is the amount that is in the debtors total.  Because we have started using Essentials this year, this is currently working although time consuming.


    With the creditors this is a nightmare.  I have to print a list of the unpaid bills, then look at every bill ( i have four pages this month) and work out which have tax and which have no tax to work out my adjustment.


    I have to do this at the end of every month for our reconciliations.  Surely you can add this report to Essentials.  I can see that this has been raised before, but the MYOB person who has responded by suggesting running the GST report as accrual and then cash obviously does not understand the problem.


    Any essentials client who has an accountant trying to reconcile between accrual for their financial statements and cash BAS lodgements  will require this report at year end at a minumum. 


    Can we please have an Unpaid invoices with Tax and Unpaid bills with Tax report in essentials.


    'need a report to show the tax amount in the unpaid invoices and unpaid bills"

    • Emiller's avatar

      Would be great if this report could be made available on Essentials 

    • Jemma1234's avatar
      Cover User

      Has there been any further progress with this. This is something that essentials is really lacking compared to MYOB AccountRight. 

    • Jemma1234's avatar
      Cover User

      I also think this would be great. It is painful going through every single transaction. 

  • In MYOB Account Right you can do a report for payables or receivables "with tax".  This is useful when the financials statements are prepared on an accruals basis, but GST is on a cash basis.  In these situations, in order to reconcile your GST to your BAS you need to remove the GST on debtors and creditors, and in Account Right the payables/receivables "with tax" report gives you the GST to remove.  In Essentials, you have to check every invoice on the list to see the GST as no such report exists.


    Therefore my request to MYOB if for Essentials to have the "with tax" report available.

    • Ashleys's avatar
      Cover User

      We really do need to be able to get this report as I would imagine most small business clients using MYOB have accurals based financials and cash based GST. This report is essential to be able to reconcile the GST accounts in the financials and pick up if there is any GST unclaimed from previous quarters. 


      I note that both MYOB Account Right and Xero have the ability to get this report. Come on MYOB, surely it can't be too hard to create this report for Essentials!!!

    • SharonLawrence's avatar
      Cover User

      I realize that you can do GST reports as cash or accruals.  This wouldn't help me.  At year end we need to know how much GST is in payables and receivables at 30/6 - sometimes this is easy because all sales have GST, but if it is a mixed business it is not.  Using the GST reports will not tell me how much GST is in the receivables/payables at a point in time.


      Even if you look at the difference between the accruals and cash reports, what about the timing differences from the previous quarter?  This will not work.


      Having the "with tax" report just like in Account Right is the simple solution.  Thanks