Erictrician's avatar
11 years ago

Sales: Invoice payment notifications

Hi all,


I think it would be a good feature to have a notification window to tell you of customer payments made since your last logon, or last few days.


As it stands, invoices just disappear from "invoices issued" in the dashboard and go to payed, once a bank feed that matches the invoice comes in


what do you think?


"Invoice Payment Notifications'

  • Hi rickfrankel,


    Thank you for your post, and please allow us to welcome you to the Community forum. We hope you find it a great source of information.


    We genuinely apologize for the delay in addressing your request for the bank feed match notification. We value your feedback and patience regarding this matter, and we want to assure you that we take your request seriously. Our development team has been actively reviewing and prioritizing feature requests, and we're pleased to inform you that we'll relay this feedback to our relevant team, and this could be an inclusion in future updates.


    If you have any further feedback or questions related to this feature or any other aspect of our system, please don't hesitate to reach out. We highly value your insights and look forward to continuing to serve you effectively.


    We will be creating this post as a new thread as the main post has different feature requests. We also encourage everyone to vote for this idea for our developers' review and consideration.




  • This is not done at all.  It was a request for notification when a bank feed match is done.

  • Status changed:

    Hi Everyone

    With online payments, an email notification is sent to the primary contact email address when payment is made on an online invoice. For more information on online payments do take a look at Help Article: Online payments

  • PrintFresh's avatar
    Contributing Cover User

    Agreed. Have come across many occasions where MYOB has incorrectly applied payments to invoices.

  • tf's avatar
    Experienced User

    Would be useful - sometimes MYOB wrongly allocates an incoming payment to an invoice because it happens to match. This would help to flag those mistakes.