datasphere's avatar
10 years ago

Spend money: Upload receipts

SImilar to the in tray idea, can we get the ability to link scanned receipts as PDFs to spend money so we have reliable records in one place at tax time.


"Upload Receipts for Spend Money"

  • MBS1's avatar
    Cover User

    Hi MYOB support, you're behind the times if you don't have spend money opetion for expense receipts uploaded into the intray.


    Get with the program.!!

  • Suja_P's avatar
    Former Staff
    Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi all, 

    We're currently working on allowing you to attached receipts to spend and receive money transactions in MYOB Essentials. 

    Do let us know, if you'd like to help with the testing of this function. 

  • dragonflybs's avatar
    Experienced Cover User

    Has there been any update in relation to this request - it shows as Coming Soon from 2014?

  • Can I upload a copy of a bill I have paid now or is this function still pending?

  • I am completely new to this software and the whole accounting world.  But I instantly went looking for this feature and was disappointed to see it didn’t exist yet.  So I am thrilled to see it is in the making and would be very happy to volunteer to test it out for the perspective of a complete noob. 

  • Status changed:
    Coming Soon

    Hi Everyone

    Thank you for voting and showing your support for this idea.

    We have released the ability to attach documents to your Spend Money Transactions. This is done through the Attachments button before dragging and dropping the relevant file. 

    For more information on this feature do please see Link attachments to your Spend money transactions