Company File Login gives error message "not responding"
When I attempt to login to one of our company files (non live company file), the banner on top of the login box reads "not responding".
After a short time of loading (displaying the loading 'wheel'), the page closes itself down, including the whole AccountRight program window.
I have accessed other company files today, both Accountright Live primary company file and other non live company files, without a problem.
I upgraded the company file to AccountRight 2021.4 just prior to this error. Normally I'd consider if this triggered the error, however I upgraded the other company files today without issue.
Any suggestions appreciated :)
Hi LeesaScanlon
Sounds like you got most of the way sorted - Good job!
The default location for an AccountRight 2021 company file would be: Documents\MYOB\My AccountRight Files\ However, Help Article: Manage libraries has the other default locations.
Note: if the company file is stored online with AccountRight 2021 do let us the following details:
- What the LAST FOUR DIGITS of the serial number is - Setup>>Company Information
- What is the company file ID - Help>>About AccountRight