How to cap personal leave
Hi, team
Could you please assist us in capping the personal leave accruing?
We have employees who had the contract signed with a maximum of 30 days (240 hours) of personal leave. When the personal leave balance for these employees reaches 240 hours, we would like the personal leave accruing stop and cap at 240 hours. When they start to use the leave and the balance drops to less than 240 hours, we would like it to accrue again to cap at 240 hours.
Our setting for personal leave is hourly, and we use MYOB Business Pro.
Please kindly guide us to set up the cap of the personal leave balance. Thanks.
Hi mqcrystal,
Thanks for your response.
I understand the need to hide this information in your use case. To accomplish this, you will need to open the Pay Item for the leave (Payroll > Pay Items > Leave tab > Name of the Leave Pay Item) and uncheck the "Show leave balance on pay slips".
Also, unmarking this button would affect all employees that use this pay item.
Let us know if you require any further assistance with this.
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